Tag: Dexter Vines

Canon Comic Review: Mace Windu #4

mace windu 4 review mynockmanor

– Spoiler Review –

Mace Windu #4 might be the finale to the miniseries, but it not only comes with a satisfying ending, it also leaves readers chomping for more thanks to the introduction of its main villain. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Mace Windu #4”

Canon Comic Review: Mace Windu #3

mace windu 3 review mynockmanor

– Spoiler Review –

In Mace Windu #3, the titular Jedi Master must prove himself to the smuggler Azita Cruuz in hopes the special coaxium formula she’s stolen doesn’t fall into the wrong hands, learning more about one another in the process. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Mace Windu #3”

Canon Comic Review: Mace Windu #2

mace windu 2 review mynockmanor

– Spoiler Review –

A Jedi Master and an enterprising entrepreneur form an uneasy alliance as they attempt to avoid capture from the various forces wanting a special hyperspace fuel formula, though what about Azita Cruuz leaves Mace Windu shaken? Find out in my review of Mace Windu #2! Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Mace Windu #2”

Canon Comic Review: Mace Windu #1

mace windu 1 review mynockmanor

– Spoiler Review –

Marc Bernardin’s Mace Windu #1 brings us a breath of fresh prequel air to Marvel’s comics, as the eponymous Jedi Master gets roped into a race for a new form of super-fuel and the seemingly anonymous woman who’s willing to sell to whomever rescues her first. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Mace Windu #1”

Canon Comic Review: Han Solo #3

Han Solo #3

– Spoiler Review –

Is the Empire Han Solo’s biggest threat on his mission to rescue wayward Rebellion spies or is it one of the spies themselves? Han Solo #3 deepens the mystery at the core of the story, takes a good long look at what makes Han tick, raises questions about Loo Re Anno, and introduces someone who’ll cause even more trouble for Han and Chewie…plus they still have a race to run! All those things add up to Han Solo quickly becoming my favorite new series of 2016. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Han Solo #3”

Canon Comic Review: Han Solo #2

Han Solo #2

– Spoiler Review –

In Han Solo #2, the Dragon Void Race turns sideways and unexpected guests appear, putting Han and Chewie’s mission for the Rebel Alliance in jeopardy. The creative team continues to fire on all engines for this series, as issue #2 provides plenty of compelling reasons to continue reading, including big questions surrounding a certain new character. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Han Solo #2”