Tag: High Republic – Edge of Balance Vol. 3

Canon Manga Review: The High Republic – The Edge of Balance Vol. 3

high republic edge of balance 3 review mynockmanor

– Minor Spoiler Review –

While it’s been well over a year since the previous entry, Viz Media’s The High Republic – The Edge of Balance returns with its third volume and instantly reminds readers what’s made the manga series something to anticipate. With intriguing character development, new mysteries, and memorable art for the big and small moments, The Edge of Balance Vol. 3 is a read you do not want to miss. Continue reading “Canon Manga Review: The High Republic – The Edge of Balance Vol. 3”

Book News: High Republic’s Edge of Balance Vol. 3 Cover & The Living Force’s Map, First Excerpt Revealed

edge of balance 3 living force poster map excerpt revealed

Sometimes, it’s the simple things which build up excitement for a book, one usually being the cover, another being an excerpt, and lastly a special poster or something like that. With this week’s news, we get a great cover and additional details on the upcoming The High Republic – The Edge of Balance Vol. 3, while with April’s The Living Force novel…WE GET A MAP!!! Which, I get might not sound that exciting, but given how prevalent maps used to be in Star Wars novels, it’s a welcomed return! And hey, there’s a great new poster and the novel’s first excerpt too! Head below to see it all! Continue reading “Book News: High Republic’s Edge of Balance Vol. 3 Cover & The Living Force’s Map, First Excerpt Revealed”