Tag: Joe Caramagna

Canon Comic Review: Han Solo & Chewbacca #9

Han Solo Chewbacca 9 Review MynockManor

– Spoiler Review –

Han Solo & Chewbacca #9, the penultimate of the series, doesn’t let go of the high energy it’s been trading in, all while introducing us to the next big story in Star Wars comics: Ajax Sigma. Wait…what and who? Dive below to hear all about it! Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Han Solo & Chewbacca #9”

Canon Comic Review: Darth Vader #30 (Vol. 3)

Darth Vader 30 2020 Review MynockManor

– Spoiler Review –

In Darth Vader #30 (Vol. 3), the handmaidens get desperate as the situation to save Sabé’s soul from the Dark Lord’s influence continues to spiral out of control…or does it? Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Darth Vader #30 (Vol. 3)”

Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #27 (Vol. 2)

Doctor Aphra 27 2020 Review MynockManor

– Spoiler Review –

If you were expecting or hoping the emotional roller coaster this series has put us readers through lately to take a break and allow you to breathe after everything went down last issue, you should know better, as Doctor Aphra #27 (Vol. 2) barrels on as Chelli and Sana make choices which change everything. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #27 (Vol. 2)”

Canon Comic Review: Han Solo & Chewbacca #8

Han Solo Chewbacca 8 Review MynockManor

– Spoiler Review –

Han Solo & Chewbacca #8 shows how settling into the newfound energy of the series’ final half continues to be a boon to its tale and characters, even if it’s feeling a little one-note now itself. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Han Solo & Chewbacca #8”

Canon Comic Review: Yoda #2

Yoda 2 Review MynockManor

– Spoiler Review –

Yoda #2 sees the situation unfolding in the maxiseries’ opening storyline grow a little more complicated, more so then the vacationing Jedi Master hoped and expected. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Yoda #2”

Canon Comic Review: Darth Vader #29 (Vol. 3)

Darth Vader 29 2020 review MynockManor

– Spoiler Review –

In Darth Vader #29 (Vol. 3), the handmaidens come to rescue one of their own from Darth Vader’s influence, but nothing is as simple as it seems. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Darth Vader #29 (Vol. 3)”

Canon Comic Review: Yoda #1

Yoda 1 Comic Review MynockManor

– Spoiler Review –

Yoda, you seek Yoda! Seek no more, as the Yoda comic series begins here! Yoda #1 begins Cavan Scott’s contribution, as he’s the first of three writers bringing unique tales about the storied Jedi Master’s life to the series’ panels, who has set his tale during The High Republic era, where Yoda makes a surprising choice when a call for help goes out to the galaxy. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Yoda #1”

Canon Comic Review: Han Solo & Chewbacca #7

Han Solo Chewbacca 7 Review MynockManor

– Spoiler Review –

Han abandoned in the Outer Rim, Chewie attempting a prison break with Maz Kanata, and the Falcon and their prize for Jabba missing?! In Han Solo & Chewbacca #7, the breakneck pace of the previous issue returns for the big prison break and sweeps us towards the final three issues! Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Han Solo & Chewbacca #7”

Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #26 (Vol. 2)

Doctor Aphra 26 2020 Review MynockManor

– Spoiler Review –

With the Spark Eternal within their grasp, it seems everything’s going right with Sana Starros and team’s mission to stop it and save Doctor Chelli Aphra, but that’s when everything goes bad typically, and holy lothcats does it ever in Alyssa Wong and team’s Doctor Aphra #26 (Vol. 2), a sentiment which isn’t even scratching the surface of how much worse things have to get before they get better. I’m still not emotionally recovered (WHAT HAVE YOU DONE, ALYSSA?!), but let’s do this review! Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #26 (Vol. 2)”

Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #25 (Vol. 2)

Doctor Aphra 25 2020 Review MynockManor

– Spoiler Review –

The rescue mission of Doctor Aphra from the Spark Eternal, which now possesses her body, revs into high gear in Doctor Aphra #25 (Vol. 2), as Sana and her team storm the Vermillion, but will the Spark be too much for them to handle? Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #25 (Vol. 2)”