Tag: Marc Guggenheim

Canon Comic Review: Jedi Knights #1

– Spoiler Review –

With no shortage of stories starring Jedi and the Order, a new series like Jedi Knights needs to make a strong case for itself, and by the end of issue #1, the creative team of Marc Guggenheim and Madibek Musabekov waste no time in providing some thrilling reasons for more! Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Jedi Knights #1”

NYCC ’24 Lucasfilm Publishing Panel: High Republic Phase 3 Covers, Jedi Knights Comic, and More!

While it didn’t unveil what Marvel’s big Star Wars plans are, the NYCC 2024 Lucasfilm Publishing Panel did feature much anticipated covers for The High Republic’s final wave of stories, new armored Jedi concept art for the era, and a tango-y poster for the upcoming audiobook Tempest Breaker, while there was one big Marvel Comics announcement: the Jedi Knights on-going series! Head below for all the great new artwork and details on the new series! Continue reading “NYCC ’24 Lucasfilm Publishing Panel: High Republic Phase 3 Covers, Jedi Knights Comic, and More!”

Canon Comic Review: Revelations (2023) #1

– Spoiler Review –

Another year, another set of revelations! Revelations (2023) #1 does what its predecessor did, teasing the future of Marvel’s Star Wars comics output, but unlike last year’s entry, it offers little stories introducing us to new and intriguing characters or series to come in 2024. Does it manage to do a better job than last year’s with the new format? Find out in our review! Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Revelations (2023) #1”

Canon Comic Review: Dark Droids – D-Squad #4

– Spoiler Review –

Artoo’s efforts to save his friend, Threepio, come to one part of an ending in Dark Droids: D-Squad #4, marking it truly as a companion piece to the main miniseries, which ends up shortchanging its characters/story. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Dark Droids – D-Squad #4”

Canon Comic Review: Dark Droids – D-Squad #3

– Spoiler Review –

R2-D2’s efforts to save C-3PO from the Scourge affecting droids and cyborgs alike has brought him to unlikely allies and now…an old flame?! Find out who and if it’ll be enough in our review of another fun Dark Droids: D-Squad #3! Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Dark Droids – D-Squad #3”

Canon Comic Review: Dark Droids – D-Squad #2

– Spoiler Review –

R2-D2 desperately needs to save his friend C-3PO, to the point he’s left making deals with notorious murderbot Triple-Zero in Dark Droids: D-Squad #2! Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Dark Droids – D-Squad #2”

Star Wars Comics December 2023 Solicitations

As always, December is fresh of end of the year fun, from holidays to ringing in the new year, but it’s also about bringing the family together, ruminating on what will the future hold next year, and ending another year. It’s fitting then Dark Droids comes to its conclusion in Star Wars comics for December 2023, while the next Revelations one-shot peers ahead at what’s to come for 2024 (and beyond)! Learn all about what’s in store, including for plenty of High Republic Phase III goodness, with the December Star Wars comics solicitations below!

Continue reading “Star Wars Comics December 2023 Solicitations”

Canon Comic Review: Dark Droids – D-Squad #1

– Spoiler Review –

They’re getting the band back together! As a Scourge consumes the droids of the galaxy in its nefarious plans, R2-D2 undertakes a desperate mission to save his best friend, unintentionally getting a unique Clone Wars-era squadron back together in a delightfully fun Dark Droids: D-Squad #1! It also includes a backup story about Ajax Sigma, a character at the heart of the main story, that attempts to consolidate his history. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Dark Droids – D-Squad #1”

Comic News: Next Revelations One-Shot Announced, More Ronin for Star Wars: Visions Comics

I focus a lot on Star Wars’ comics on the Manor, especially thanks to it introducing my favorite character Doctor Aphra, and now more than ever it’s hard not to think about their future. We’ve been in the six months period between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi for three years now and are currently in the middle of its fourth crossover event, so a little fatigue has set in, minus for series set outside said era. The announcement of the Star Wars: Visions one-shots was a fresh injection, as is the news we’ll get more backstory for “The Duel,” but where’s a similar freshness for the main stories? Enter 2023’s Revelations one-shot, which looks to tease what’s ahead for 2024’s comics, featuring everyone from Keeve Trennis of the High Republic era, Mace Windu, Princess Leia, and…Grand Admiral Thrawn?! Head below for the intriguing new cover and look at the newest Visions project! Continue reading “Comic News: Next Revelations One-Shot Announced, More Ronin for Star Wars: Visions Comics”

Star Wars Comics November 2023 Solicitations

As fall settles in and winter fast approaches, the days grow darker ever quicker here in the Midwest, fitting for the penultimate month of the Dark Droids crossover and the feeling of helplessness most of these issues will hold before our heroes manage to prevail against the droid Scourge. November then could really benefit from some light and life, couldn’t it? Phase III of The High Republic begins in earnest as Marvel’s on-going from Cavan Scott kicks off, alongside more Shadows of Starlight, while letting Peach Momoko set the stage for a series of Star Wars: Visions one-shots all sounds like the perfect remedy to the darkness, no? Glimpse below to see how November 2023’s Star Wars comics solicitations promise a little light amongst the dark!

Continue reading “Star Wars Comics November 2023 Solicitations”