Tag: The Rise of Skywalker (comic adaptation)

Star Wars Comics May 2025 Solicitations

The world might be in disarray, but damn it if Star Wars Day aka May the Fourth won’t try its best to cheer us all up a little bit, hopefully! And when the day and deals are done, all our retail therapy completed, there’s still plenty of Star Wars comics to enjoy as well, like the start of Star Wars (2025), a kaiju special in Jedi Knights, Kylo Ren visiting Naboo, and the Battle of Eraidu reaching its epic ending(truly this time)! Check out May 2025’s Star Wars Comics Solicitations below, which includes my theorizing rabbit hole about a new Doctor Aphra series!

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Star Wars Comics April 2025 Solicitations

I could open this up with a variation on the joke about ‘April showers’ but I feel like I’ve done it before and done it dirty already, so no need to put you, or me, through that again. But I can say April 2025’s Star Wars comics aren’t full of bad jokes, rather intriguing moments like the canonization of a cancelled action figure, the big finale to the Battle of Eriadu, a new adventure for Poe Dameron and BB-8, and Kylo Ren being Gradulla the Hutt’s prisoner, among other things! So you know, quite the showering of weird comic moments (had to make a joke there somewhere)! Check out April 2025’s Star Wars comics solicitations below.

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Star Wars Comics March 2025 Solicitations

For March’s 2025 Star Wars comics, Marvel finally has more original series than adaptations as Jedi Knights begins, while Dark Horse’s The High Republic Adventures output reaches the penultimate moment in the Battle of Eriadu and we get more Bad Batch shenanigans. Check out all the March 2025 Star Wars comic solicitations below!

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Star Wars Comics February 2025 Solicitations

Marvel is slowly revealing what they have in store for 2025 and beyond and Dark Horse is getting to the end of their High Republic content, which means February 2025 Star Wars comics might be one of the smallest release slates in years. But it won’t be quiet, as at least three new series are debuting, one being the once thought dead The Rise of Skywalker adaptation, another being Marvel’s The High Republic finale series, and lastly, the Legacy of Vader on-going! Head below now to check out the solicitations for February 2025’s Star Wars comics!

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Star Wars Comics June 2020 Solicitations (UPDATED)

Star Wars Comics June 2020 Solicitations

These are uncertain and often frightening times and I want to take a moment before we hop into the future of June’s Star Wars comics to wish everyone well and hope everyone is taking the necessary precautions to stay safe. One of the few certainties left are the release of both the solicitations for upcoming comics and the continued release of comics as well, and today we have a look at June’s coming stories, as Doctor Aphra fights for her life against an ancient curse (so a normal Wednesday), Vader’s efforts to uncover who hid Padmé from him takes him to unexpected places, Boba Fett and Valance do battle, and more!

UPDATE 5/2/20: Diamond comics stopped shipping product in April, but it will resume shipping in late May, with a far reduced schedule for all comics, including Star Wars comics. The only new issue out in June will be Bounty Hunters #3, originally scheduled for April. You can still look at would’ve been below, but we’ll have any and all new solicitations on the Manor once they’re released! Continue reading “Star Wars Comics June 2020 Solicitations (UPDATED)”

Comic Adaptation of The Rise of Skywalker Hitting Shelves in June

NEW UPDATE (11/22/24): It has returned!! Scheduled for February 2025. FINAL NOT SO FINAL UPDATE (10/17/23): This was banished to the netherworld of the Force, never to return….maybe. At this point, I highly doubt it. ORIGINAL STORY: Comic adaptations have always been a bit hit or miss for me, so of course I’m a little wary of The Rise of Skywalker’s upcoming adaptation no matter how much I enjoyed the film because it’s definitely a bit of a mess. And the fact the adaptation will only be 5 issues, a glaringly small amount considering Solo: A Star Wars Story got 7 whole issues, and it includes new content not in the film which adds a whole other layer of concern when jamming all that story into a scant number of issues. There’s an excellent creative team at the helm though, with Jody Houser writing and Will Sliney on art (The Rise of Kylo Ren). The Rise of Skywalker #1 hits shelves in June, three months after the novelization (which itself will add deleted scenes, as already seen in its first excerpt) and the film’s home/digital release. See the full Phil Noto cover below the cut! UPDATE 1: With the current state of comics, including a far reduced schedule as comics begin shipping in late May again, I wouldn’t expect to see this in June but we’ll update once we know more! Continue reading “Comic Adaptation of The Rise of Skywalker Hitting Shelves in June”