Tag: Top 10 Unforgettable Comic Moments

Top 10 Unforgettable Comic Moments from 2020-2024 in Star Wars Canon by Ryan and Chris, Part III

It’s time for the FINAL FOUR of the Top 10 Unforgettable Comic Moments from 2020-2024, the series where Chris and I break down our favorite moments from the last 5 years of comic storytelling! In Part I we covered spots #10-8, which included everything from the High Republic’s villainous Marchion Ro to the surprising return of the Grand Inquisitor, and then Part II covered spots #7-5, which had everything from kyber crystals, Wookiee Jedi, and a whole lot of Sskeer and Keeve Trennis! So what’s in store for spots #4-1 in Part III?! Head below now to see everything from Doctor Aphra (of course), weddings, spectral battles, a certain character’s big return, and more grab the final spots! Continue reading “Top 10 Unforgettable Comic Moments from 2020-2024 in Star Wars Canon by Ryan and Chris, Part III”

Top 10 Unforgettable Comic Moments from 2020-2024 in Star Wars Canon by Ryan and Chris, Part II

Welcome back for Part II of the Top 10 Unforgettable Comic Moments from 2020-2024, as Chris and I break down our favorite moments from the last 5 years of comic storytelling! In Part I we covered spots #10-8, which included everything from the High Republic’s villainous Marchion Ro to the surprising return of the Grand Inquisitor, and now Part II reveals our #7-5 choices! Head below for kyber crystals, big reunions, and…finding home?! Afterwards, Part III is already out so find out what made the final four as well! Continue reading “Top 10 Unforgettable Comic Moments from 2020-2024 in Star Wars Canon by Ryan and Chris, Part II”

Top 10 Unforgettable Comic Moments from 2020-2024 in Star Wars Canon by Ryan and Chris, Part I

It’s still hard to believe it’ll be The Force Awakens‘ 10th Anniversary this year, but even more so that we’ve now had 10 years of canon stories across all different mediums, including comics! The comics have been the recipient of the Manor’s biggest focus for the past decade and we already summed up our feelings on the first five years with the initial Top 10 Unforgettable Comic Moments series for 2015-2019, so with another 5 years under all our belts, it was time to see what was so Unforgettable about this next half of the decade. Teaming up with the Manor’s Sous Chef and Legendary Adventures mastermind Chris once again, we both wrote our own separate Top 10 Unforgettable Comic Moments lists, this time for 2020-2024!

In today’s post below, you’ll find our individual #10-8 entries, while Part II has spots #7-5, while Part III showcases spots #4-1!! So without further ado, let’s dive into the Manor’s Top 10 Unforgettable Comic Moments from 2020-2024 Part I, by Chris and Ryan! Continue reading “Top 10 Unforgettable Comic Moments from 2020-2024 in Star Wars Canon by Ryan and Chris, Part I”

Top 10 Unforgettable Comic Moments from 2015-2019 in Star Wars Canon by Ryan and Chris, Part III

Top 10 Star Wars Comics Moments Part III

And now it’s all come down to this! The Manor’s Top 10 Unforgettable Comic Moments in Star Wars Canon has reached Part III, the grand finale covering Chris and Ryan’s picks for their top 4-1 moments! If you haven’t already, make sure to get caught up with Parts I (spots 10-8) and Part II (spots 7-5) to see what we’ve already picked. Without any more pretense, head below for Part III’s dive into spots 4-1! Continue reading “Top 10 Unforgettable Comic Moments from 2015-2019 in Star Wars Canon by Ryan and Chris, Part III”

Top 10 Unforgettable Comic Moments from 2015-2019 in Star Wars Canon by Ryan and Chris, Part II

With 5 years of new canon comic stories behind us, and many uncountable more in front of us, I enlisted the Manor’s Sous Chef Chris to join me in rounding up a Top 10 list of Unforgettable moments from the comics so far. The first part of the Top 10 moments dealt with plenty of Doctor Aphra (surprise!) and Jar Jar Binks (maybe actually a surprise), covering the 10-8 spots, while Part II today dives into spots 7-5, where you’ll find moments dealing with holocrons, wives (maybe not wives), droid agency, and so much more. Head below for Part II of the Manor’s Top 10 Unforgettable Comic Moments in Star Wars Canon check out Part III afterwards! Continue reading “Top 10 Unforgettable Comic Moments from 2015-2019 in Star Wars Canon by Ryan and Chris, Part II”

Top 10 Unforgettable Comic Moments from 2015-2019 in Star Wars Canon by Ryan and Chris, Part I

Top 10 Star Wars Comics Moments Part IWhen I was younger, I read a few stray issues of the Tales of the Jedi and the Shadows of the Empire: Evolution comic, but the majority of my engagement with Star Wars did not include comics, focusing mainly on the novels, video games, TV shows, and movies; heck, I didn’t read any comics outside of SW for some time. It wasn’t until I started writing for a SW fansite in 2012 that I finally decided to dig into Dark Horse’s comics, specifically something I always knew about and wanted to explore, but hadn’t: John Jackson Miller’s Knights of the Old Republic. Zayne’s exploits, the way it subtly tied into the games, and the hilarious Gryph really opened my eyes to what comics could do…and I promptly began exploring mainstream (non-superhero) comics like Y: The Last Man, Monstress, Descender, Fables, and more. Then I started my own fansite. And then Marvel took back SW comics from Dark Horse. I decided I wanted to cover this new batch of stories from Marvel (and later IDW) for the Manor and the comics hooked me ever since, as I’m now unable to imagine engaging with the Saga without reading/enjoying/and dissecting the comics.

After 5 years of new comics (2015-2019) and inspired by Eleven-ThirtyEight’s “The 20 Most Memorable Moments of the New Canon,” I enrolled Manor writer and canon completist Chris to help me compile our top moments in the comics! We both wrote our own separate Top 10 lists, and to show how subjective they are right off the bat, we only overlapped on two (and 1/3) moments (and one’s rather predictable given our love for a certain rogue archaeologist)! In today’s post below, you’ll find our individual #10-8 entries, and you can find Part II here (#7-5), with the finale in Part III (#4-1). So without further ado, let’s dive into the Manor’s Top 10 Unforgettable Comic Moments Part I, by Chris and Ryan! Continue reading “Top 10 Unforgettable Comic Moments from 2015-2019 in Star Wars Canon by Ryan and Chris, Part I”