Tag: Troy Denning

Legendary Adventures: Crucible

legendary adventures 127 crucible

Even when there isn’t galaxy-wide threats from wanna-be Celestials, peace is hard to come by in a galaxy far, far away. Even when the Sith are destroyed, businesses still want to exploit people and make money. But what does this latest business sweeping up small freighters in a far-off nebula have to do with an extra-galactic mystery of the Force? Read our final Legendary Adventures with Crucible and find out!

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Legendary Adventures: Fate of the Jedi – Apocalypse

legendary adventures 125 fate of the jedi apocalypse

The Sith have taken over the galaxy once again! With control over the Senate and Coruscant, the Jedi are going to have to find everything in themselves to battle the greatest evil – literally – the galaxy has ever seen. Join us today on the Legendary Adventures for Fate of the Jedi: Apocalypse!

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Legendary Adventures: Fate of the Jedi – Vortex

legendary adventures 122 fate of the jedi vortex

Grand Master Luke Skywalker has teamed up with…the Sith (???) to defeat an enemy with an untold amount of power. But as the unholy alliance seeks out the cause of the scourge, they find something even worse. Can the galaxy stand as everything in it falls? Join the Legendary Adventures as we read Fate of the Jedi: Vortex!

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Legendary Adventures: Fate of the Jedi – Abyss

legendary adventures 119 fate of the jedi abyss

The Sith have returned – after decades of being thought destroyed, the ancient enemy of the Jedi are free to travel the galaxy again. Yet, visions plague Luke Skywalker, and threats of even greater darkness threaten a galaxy on the knife’s edge…. join the Legendary Adventures as we read Abyss! 

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Legendary Adventures: Legacy of the Force – Invincible

legendary adventures 113 legacy of the force invincible

Darth Caedus’s take over of the Galactic Alliance (now paired with the Imperial Remnant) is finally completed. Only his sister stands in his way – and she has gone to the ends of the galaxy, and Jedi teaching, to stop him. Join the Legendary Adventures as we finish the Legacy of the Force series with Invincible!

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Legendary Adventures: Legacy of the Force – Inferno

legendary adventures 110 legacy of the force inferno

Darth Caedus now rules the galaxy! Nothing seems to stand in the way of the growing darkness, and even Luke Skywalker has been severely hampered in his battle against the Sith after the loss of his wife. But how far is Caedus willing to go in his embrace of the Dark Side? Join us as we continue through the Legacy of the Force with Inferno!

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Legendary Adventures: Legacy of the Force – Tempest

legendary adventures 107 legacy of the force tempest

The tensions with Corellia are at an all-time high, but the tensions within the Solo family are even higher! As the Corellians try to curry favor with the Hapans, will the galaxy be torn apart by the darkness growing at its heart? Join us as we continue to explore the Legacy of the Force series with Tempest!

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Legendary Adventures: Dark Nest – The Joiner King

Legendary Adventures 102 The Joiner King

A new menace, in a larval stage for millennia, has been revealed that will bug the galaxy – can the newly reformed Jedi Order stand against it? Or is the buzz about them false? Join the first Legendary Adventure of 2023 as we start the Dark Nest trilogy with The Joiner King!

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