Another week or so, another great chunk of content to hype up the release of The High Republic initiative, so let’s skip right to it: head below to learn about the second adult novel, The Rising Storm from Cavan Scott, the return of the lightwhip (yes, a lightsaber whip!), a sock-filled special edition of Light of the Jedi (not kidding about the socks!), new preview of The High Republic comic, and more (Update: THR has begun and our reviews are rolling in!).
We’ve known since NYCC’s panel that Cavan Scott would have the honors of writing the second adult novel in July 2021, but it now has a title, cover, and new details! The Rising Storm is an ominous title on its own, but the mainly black, less flashy cover than Light of the Jedi’s certainly adds to the atmosphere. They can’t discuss much about the novel, because well, it builds off all the content across the other comics and novels before it, but we do learn two Jedi characters live past the opening salvo (so click to the article for that ‘spoiler’), and are also introduced to a new character: Ty Yorrick and holy Force, does she sound like a great one! Scott calls her a “saber-for-hire” who uses the Force to hunt monsters and her intriguing past, along with the deal she cuts with the Jedi, play a big part of The Rising Storm. I have a good feeling Yorrick will be a Manor favorite. The second adult novel releases July 6 June 29!
Our second excerpt from A Test of Courage, the middle-grade novel from Justina Ireland that releases January 5, reveals the return of a weapon seen in Legends novels and comics: the lightwhip! The most notable person whom wielded one in Legends, which I can recall off the top of my head, is Lumiya, a frequent foe of Skywalkers and Solos alike. The novel stars freshly minted and very young Jedi Knight Vernestra Rwoh as her seemingly boring babysitting job of a Senator’s daughter, Avon Starros, goes off the rails due to the Great Hyperspace Disaster. It seems the Forced guided Vernestra to the design, and how/why it needed her to have such an instrument will remain to be seen in the coming novel…or maybe even later down the line!
Socks, gentle-beings of the galaxy, socks! While they aren’t the highlight of the special edition of Light of the Jedi, the novel from Charles Soule that kicks off the whole initiative, they are quite the surprising but delightful perk of the limited run. On top of the socks, branded with the “We are all the Republic” slogan, the signed copy of the book comes with exclusive cover art that features a scene from the novel; so yes, the Jedi and the Nihil jump on space horses and run at one another like something out of fantasy/medieval times. It goes on sale January 5 at 10am CST, so those hoping to read the novel the same day when buying this might have to wait a few extra days. Accompanying this reveal was a new interview with Soule, who discusses how LotJ might feel like he wrote it during the pandemic, but he wrote it the year before, while we’re introduced to a new Jedi character Porter Engle. Engle has seen many things as a Jedi and is now…a chef?! I love this idea, a Jedi just peacefully retiring as a chef, pulled in one last time due to the crisis unfolding; he’s also an Ikkrukkian, a race Soule introduced in the final arc of his Poe Dameron comic run. The interview with Soule is the first of a series where the official site will interview all the authors behind THR, which is nice since we haven’t really had longer form interviews with Justina Ireland, Claudia Gray, or Daniel Jose Older, but already have with Cavan Scott and Soule.

We’ve seen a handful of pages from the first issue of The High Republic on-going Marvel comic, from writer Cavan Scott and artist Ario Anindito, and while we have yet to read it in full we already have a glimpse at the second issue! The story details for the second issue we learned in February 2021’s Star Wars comic solicitations, which teases a spooky tale of a derelict ship and Keeve Trennis’ potentially murky relationship with her old Master, Sskeer. A Jedi Master Trennis is named among the Lost 20 of the Jedi Order, and while I’ve frequently said Keeve and this Master are one in the same, there has yet to be any explicit connection beyond the last name, but it’s hard to ignore she’s the only one we know with the name and we’ve yet to learn if this era’s Jedi can…procreate, so I feel pretty safe with the assumption. I’ll have our THR reference article up next week, by the way, as Trennis is mentioned in Scott’s Dooku: Jedi Lost audiobook!
And second last, but definitely not least, is another Scott-related goodie: The Great Jedi Rescue book, which will retell the events of Light of the Jedi for ages 5-7. Illustrations come from Petur Antonsson and it’s all told from Burryaga’s POV, aka the Wookiee Jedi! There’s even stickers of him and well, I might just need those.
And lastly, in a bit of unofficial fun from a trusted source (Cinelinx’s Jordan Maison), there are hints a potential animated show could be set during the era! As much as I would love it, I hope it’s after the books and comics get to build up the era for a while, as this is publishing’s big thing. Fun to think about, regardless!
We’re almost a month out from release, so beyond the upcoming interviews, the next time we’ll be reporting on THR-era will likely be our reviews of the books and comics, as I’m about to crack open my press copy of Light of the Jedi!
Ryan is Mynock Manor’s Head Butler. You can follow him on Twitter @BrushYourTeeth. You can follow the website on Twitter @MynockManor and Instagram @mynockmanor.
The High Republic News: Villainous Nihil Take Center Stage in Art/Excerpt, VR Tie-in Revealed, And More!
NYCC 2020: The High Republic Panel Reveals More Books Coming Summer 2021!
The High Republic News: Charles Soule Interview on Light of the Jedi; “Excalibur” Lightsaber Revealed
Marvel’s The High Republic Comic Series Previewed
The High Republic Website Launches, First Look at Yoda
The High Republic Teases Continue: A Test of Courage Excerpt Released!