The High Republic News: Villainous Nihil Take Center Stage in Art/Excerpt, VR Tie-in Revealed, And More!

The High Republic News Meet the Nihil, Padawans, and VR The High Republic Tie-in

Whether it’s the previous excerpts or various teases in comics/novels, The High Republic era’s villains, the Nihil, haven’t been heard from much. That all changed recently with an article on the official site, detailing some Nihil characters and a creepy new monster, and in an excerpt from Justina Ireland’s A Test of Courage, where we’re smack-dab in the middle of the Nihil’s POV as they carry out a nefarious mission to spread their particular brand of chaos. But wait, there’s more! Of course while I’m on my honeymoon, more news drops, so below you’ll also find more concept art, this time of the some Padawans, while it was revealed the VR game Tales from the Galaxy’s Edge will offer a tie-in experience by going on a mission with Yoda! (Update: THR has begun and our reviews are rolling in!)

Marchion Ro Concept Art The High Republic

Let’s start with the Nihil! From what we’ve learned so far, their only code is they take what they want, and for some reason are striking out in the galaxy. In the new article on the official site’s blog, writer Charles Soule, author of Light of the Jedi and one of the era’s architects, teases their ultimate goal leads them right through the Republic, so it’ll be very interesting to learn what exactly is drawing them out of the dark corners of the galaxy and into its heart. Despite their chaos-filled ways, they have some type of structure, with three groups called Tempests and a leader-like person, typically called the Eye of the Nihil, though he doesn’t quite give the orders; the system sounds very unique and complex and it’ll be cool to explore a group of villains who aren’t another Empire-like organization with clear cut structure, as I’m sure they have in-fighting due to how they manage their group/their chaotic ways. We’re introduced to the current Eye of the Nihil, Marchion Ro, whose influence has made them into the devious group they are, per Soule: “The things that make the Nihil more than just a bunch of Outer Rim raiders all come from Marchion. He is also, in every sense, a bad guy.” I’m really digging his overall outfit and I’ll be curious to see who or what he is under the mask, and if it matters at all, as the era unfolds.

Drengir Concept Art The High Republic

And then there’s this creepy monster above: the Drengir! My wife Melissa found it cute, and I love how different it is for monsters in the Star Wars universe as its so nature based since it’s like a living, evil tree, but I certainly would be scared of it. Cavan Scott, writer of The High Republic comic for Marvel (first solicit for issue #1 is here!) and another architect of the era, pulled it from one of legendary concept artist Iain McCaig’s early sketches, though what he has to tease about I find makes it even more intriguing:

“It’s been great to see the Drengir’s threat grow throughout the initiative. They are one of my new favorite Star Wars monsters to write. They are sinister, unstoppable and, as we’ll find out, inescapably linked to the fate of one of our High Republic Jedi…”

If I had to guess, since Scott was key in its development, the Drengir is linked to either of the main characters from his comic: Keeve Trennis, who leaves the Jedi Order at some point, or Sskeer, her Master who is mysteriously missing an arm by the start of the comic but was always shown in concept art with both.

I really enjoyed the excerpt from A Test of Courage, as finally seeing from the Nihil’s POV really puts into perspective their ability and chance to cause tons of cause. Well-worth a read to see what’s coming!

We also got more information on several of the Padawans of the era, though we’ve met a few of them already. For starters, Bell Zettifar and his charhound, since he looks like a burnt out fire as we heard from Soule at NYCC, Ember might be my favorite simply because of the smokey dog. They are on Elphrona, a planet first introduced in Soule’s The Rise of Kylo Ren miniseries. If Bell didn’t have a dog, Burrayga would be my first place choice, but he’s definitely in second thanks to being a Wookiee Jedi, something we got a tease with in The Clone Wars with Gengi and finally now we can follow one; the fact his Master taught herself Shyriiwook to better teach him is a nice touch. As for Reath Silas, the info at NYCC from writer Claudia Gray about how he only wants to use his lightsaber as a last resort certainly perks my interest, as it’ll be nice to have a Jedi who isn’t so eager to be a Jedi, in a sense. And then Lula Talisola, who will star in Daniel José Older’s The High Republic Adventures for IDW, should be fun to follow since she’s basically what any of us fans would be if we could become a Jedi, super excited about it and eager to be the best. Check out all their concept art images above!

Lastly today, we have the above trailer for Tales from the Galaxy’s Edge first installment, which is a THR tie-in! Yoda and Padawan Ady Sun’Zee explore a Jedi Temple on Batuu. It looks really creepy and the gooey, red stuff all over the temple looks like quite the mystery to uncover. I don’t have a VR device to enjoy these experiences, as I’m waiting to hear what PlayStation plans to do with a PS5 VR peripheral, but more and more it seems like some of the most exciting video game experiences in SW have been via VR, putting one even closer to being in a galaxy far, far away than ever before. I wonder how/if this expansion will be mentioned in the rest of the THR content, but regardless it looks like it’ll be fun to play!

Ryan is Mynock Manor’s Head Butler. You can follow him on Twitter @BrushYourTeeth. You can follow the website on Twitter @MynockManor and Instagram @mynockmanor.

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Check out our The High Republic hub for all our coverage!

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