Canon Comic Review: Star Wars Adventures: The Clone Wars – Battle Tales #3

Star Wars Adventures The Clone Wars Battle Tales #3

– Spoiler Review –

Return, the Clone Wars, do…from a certain point of view! The Clone Wars – Battle Tales’ latest issue once again remains truthful to its roots.

Star Wars Adventures The Clone Wars Battle Tales 3 Full CoverClone troopers Waxer and Boil are fan favorites thanks to their wonderful little journey through the devastation of Ryloth with the young Numa (who grows up to join the Rebellion!) and they get to be at the forefront in the third issue of Battle Tales’ flashback stories. Padmé is on the cover, so she gets a rather spot-on but minor appearance here, but this about the clones and the focus remains on them. The two clones recall a mission to Krystar, where rumors swell clones are disappearing and never seen again, and their journey to freeing their captured brothers. It really highlights the early feeling of the war, as the Jedi are all too eager to protect and save any clone at any cost, while Padmé does her best snooping into places she isn’t to help out.  The issue’s story also finds writer Michael Moreci navigating the sometimes murky waters of war time, as the Republic can’t make a move without certainty the regent of Krystar is stealing clones otherwise an outright attack on an ally could be disastrous, so seeing the Jedi want to help the clones while still adhering to the law, means Battle Tales got a little more nuanced than the past few very fun tales have, and I appreciate the steps into the water on that.

Much like the last two issues, Derek Charm (art) and Luis Delgado (colors) provide such an excellent take on the show it really feels like it jumped off the screen and onto the page; their comedic timing for some of the clanker humor is an underappreciated aspect to the art. For the framing story, Valentina Pinto provides art and colors, a much cleaner, digital look I actually quite liked. It was a little jarring to have the clones have a slightly nontraditional look to their faces, though I liked how Pinto found little subtle ways to differentiate them, much like the show does with tattoos and hairstyles and the like. She also has drawn the most TCW-like take on Padmé yet, something that works really well given the series we’re reading. Some of the little things, from the dings/scratches on people’s armor, to the dirt speckles, also help flesh out the story and the world. A whole series from Pinto would be an excellent idea!

Here are a few other things:

  • After this issue, it’s apparent why the original plan for the series was weekly instead of spaced out, as it makes for a thrilling ride together, like an arc of TCW show itself. It’s not IDW’s, or anyone’s, fault it got stuck spaced out like this now, but I look forward to reading these all together once the final two issues hit. Issue #4 is out August 19 while the grande finale is September 23.

The Clone Wars – Battle Tales #3 keeps the fun ride going with another TCW episode-like issue.

+ Pitch perfect episode of the show feel

+ Valentina Pinto’s art really delights!

Ryan is Mynock Manor’s Head Butler. You can follow him on Twitter @BrushYourTeeth. You can follow the website on Twitter @MynockManor and Instagram @mynockmanor.

#1 | #2 | #4 | #5

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