Category: Doctor Aphra

Canon Comic Review: The Battle of Jakku – Republic Under Siege #2

– Spoiler Review –

Grand Moff Adelhard’s dastardly plans and Doctor Aphra’s role in Luke Skywalker’s journey come to light in The Battle of Jakku: Republic Under Siege #2, the middle issue of the entire maxiseries! Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: The Battle of Jakku – Republic Under Siege #2”

Canon Comic Review: The Battle of Jakku – Republic Under Siege #1

– Spoiler Review –

The Battle of Jakku maxiseries continues in Republic Under Siege #1, where Grand Moff Adelhard considers what allies to bring to his fold, Leia and Mon Mothma debate what’s next in their response to his rise, and Luke Skywalker and Rynn Zenat deal with more Acolytes of the Beyond…and run into a fan-favorite in the process! Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: The Battle of Jakku – Republic Under Siege #1”

Comic News: 2024’s Pride Month Variants Unleashed

We’ve had some rather great Women’s History and Black History Month variants this year, so the wait has seemed longer to finally see 2024’s Pride Month variants! There aren’t as many series out in June as there has been in the past, so there’s only four covers this year, but they make the most of it with having only one returning perennial character appearance! Head below for the covers!
Continue reading “Comic News: 2024’s Pride Month Variants Unleashed”

Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #40 (Vol. 2)

– Spoiler Review –

After nearly four years and 40 issues, plus lots of laughter, tears, and joyous chaos along the way, Doctor Aphra‘s (Vol. 2) finale has arrived. We’ve been here before, but not at this caliber and strength of character building, so the tears come swift and often in one of the best finales for Star Wars comics in general, let alone for the character. I’m going to do my best not to cry again too much typing out this review, but hey, if I do, you won’t have to see it. Let’s begin! Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #40 (Vol. 2)”

Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #39 (Vol. 2) – Dark Droids

– Spoiler Review –

I don’t like I have to type this, but Doctor Aphra #39 (Vol. 2) is the penultimate issue of Alyssa Wong’s run of the series, but what I do like to type is, that much like all the issues before it, it has all the style, character moments, and tear-inducing greatness one should come to expect as it wraps up its Dark Droids storyline and gets us ready for the finale. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #39 (Vol. 2) – Dark Droids”

Comic News: Doctor Aphra Vol. 2 Ending with Issue #40

Sometimes, you just need to rip the Band-Aid off and get it over with, and as much as this one is going to hurt, it’s better than not knowing. Alyssa Wong took to Twitter today to confirm what we’ve been dreading since the January 2024 solicits first dropped: their run of Doctor Aphra (Vol. 2) is officially ending at issue #40. There was no way it would go on forever, as much as myself and all the other fans would’ve wanted, and issue #40 is where the first Volume ended as well, so it was inevitable to some degree but still heartbreaking to see. This series has meant so much to so many different people, from its groundbreaking representation in the Saga, its depiction of broken yet resourceful people just trying to get by in a harsh universe, the humorous exploits for all involved, one of the longest and most interesting arcs in the character’s history, and lots and lots of heartbreak for its many characters trying to find happiness…I could go on, but we all know what we love about it and are grieving in our own ways with this. With only two issues left, I’m glad it’ll get to close out with a finale that’s not a Dark Droids crossover tie-in, while Alyssa Wong has promised we should keep an eye out on December’s Revelations #1 (2023) and the future (they said their “current” run is ending and I can’t help but focusing on that word). Chelli Aphra is my favorite character and it’s never easy to know her story is done, for now, but these glimmers of hope are a nice touch to sad news. Check back to the Manor for the remaining reviews and news for whatever comes next! {Just the Tweet below the cut, if the link doesn’t work} Continue reading “Comic News: Doctor Aphra Vol. 2 Ending with Issue #40”

Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #38 (Vol. 2) – Dark Droids

– Spoiler Review –

With Magna Tolvan under the Scourge’s thrall, will Chelli Aphra be able to convince Sana Starros to save the woman they both love? Find out in our review of another excellent, funny, and harrowing Doctor Aphra (Vol. 2) issue, #38! Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #38 (Vol. 2) – Dark Droids”

Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #37 (Vol. 2) – Dark Droids

– Spoiler Review –

Right when Chelli Aphra and Just Lucky think they are out of the Scourged woods, they find themselves back in the thick of it, but so too does Magna Tolvan’s band of rebels! Will they all make it out alive or is the overwhelming amount of droids too much for both groups? Find out in our review of Doctor Aphra #37 (Vol. 2)! Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #37 (Vol. 2) – Dark Droids”

Star Wars Comics January 2024 Solicitations

January 2024’s Star Wars comics solicitations aren’t interested in your New Year’s resolutions or aspirations, as they have a distinct air of finality to them whether you want them to or not, seeming to promise the era of comics set between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi might be winding down. But we should focus on the here and now, as Qui-Gon Jinn would say, and January’s comics have quite the bounty, from the giant, big finale to the Bounty Hunters series (see, things are ending!), a look at Marchion Ro’s victory lap after Starlight Beacon’s fall, another Visions comic to enjoy, and so much more! Head below for January 2024’s Star Wars comic solicitations now!

Continue reading “Star Wars Comics January 2024 Solicitations”

Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #36 (Vol. 2) – Dark Droids

– Spoiler Review –

As Chelli Aphra and Just Lucky deal with reawakened Clone Wars-era droids, Magna Tolvan returns to the fold to solve the Rebellion’s own problems with the Scourge, in Doctor Aphra #36 (Vol. 2)! Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #36 (Vol. 2) – Dark Droids”