Legendary Adventures: Fate of the Jedi – Vortex

legendary adventures 122 fate of the jedi vortex

Grand Master Luke Skywalker has teamed up with…the Sith (???) to defeat an enemy with an untold amount of power. But as the unholy alliance seeks out the cause of the scourge, they find something even worse. Can the galaxy stand as everything in it falls? Join the Legendary Adventures as we read Fate of the Jedi: Vortex!

Jaina Solo and Lando Calrissian are in danger. As they head to Coruscant with news about Abeloth and the Sith Fleet, they discover their ship is being manipulated by droids. Jaina suspects these droids are being controlled by the Sith, who hope her and Lando will not be able to get back to Coruscant. They are able to defend themselves from pirates and ward off the Sith attack, but it shows the Sith are getting bolder and bolder in their return.

This boldness, though, makes the current Sith look different than the Sith of the past. For example, one of the first things these resurgent Sith must do is team up with the Jedi (specifically exiled Grand Master Luke Skywalker and his son, Ben) to discover what, or who, was the creature known as Abeloth. After seemingly defeating the creature, the Sith/Jedi combo discover she was the cause of the madness that was taking over Force users. Luke works directly with two Sith Lords: Sarasu Taalon and Gavar Khai, the father of Vestara Khai, the Sith whom Luke and Ben captured and traveled with for a bit. Vestara, despite getting closer with Ben, still plans to betray the Jedi alliance by not telling the Jedi the Sith meditation sphere named Ship is returning to their planet. Luke and Ben aren’t being entirely honest, either, and they try and take Abeloth’s body to Coruscant for examination without the Sith’s knowledge. As the Jedi try to escape with her body, the body turns out to be the corpse of a Sith rather than Abeloth. This means the true Abeloth is still out there, and both parties understand the danger they are in while she lives.

fate of the jedi vortex full coverThe Sith and Jedi travel again to the Maw, the place where it seemed Abeloth was first discovered in an attempt to find her. They are taken by Ship, the Sith meditation sphere, to the Pool of Knowledge, a place imbued with the Force that lets the user see anything they need to. The Pool shows Abeloth on planet with them, but it also shows a vision of a Jedi Queen sitting on top of a throne, surrounded by other Force users. This visions breaks down the alliance, and the Jedi and Sith fight as the Sith do not want to see a future ruled by Jedi. Luke and Ben flee with Vestara in tow to find Abeloth. Luke, Ben, Vestara, and Sith Lord Taalon confront Abeloth, who has taken the body of a fallen Sith. Luke is able to defeat this body, but discovers Abeloth uses the form of slain Jedi Callista Ming. Vestara kills Taalon to prevent Abeloth from using him, effectively making Vestara an exile from the Sith.

On Coruscant, Chief of State Natasi Daala still has her Mando mercenaries on the hunt for the Jedi. With the ending of the Force-madness, the Jedi offer up the two Knights they have in stasis to the Galactic Alliance, Sothais Saar and Turi Atlamik, to show they are healthy again. The Galactic Alliance confirms they  are well, but refuses to release the Jedi they have in custody, but call off the Mandos. Kenth Hamner, working with a GA Senator, is heavily criticized by his fellow Jedi for his inability to act on what Daala is doing. Almost every other Jedi Master on the Council would rather face Daala directly, bringing her into open conflict to free the Jedi she has held and to end her draconian reign over the GA, especially relating to the Jedi. The Jedi learn acting-grand Master Hamner has crafted a deal with Daala: by promising not to help Luke, Daala would ease off the Jedi. This strains Kenth’s relationship with the other Jedi, and the conflict between the Jedi and Daala, and the Jedi and Hamner, soon comes to a head.

After the discovery of Hamner’s deal, everything else erupts into chaos. After the Jedi are unable to handle a slave uprising on Blaudu Sextus, the Jedi offer up a vote of no confidence on Hamner. The Jedi decide to withdraw the deal Hamner made with the Alliance, looking to free the Jedi in GA custody and also to support Luke against the Sith fleet. As the heroes of the Galactic Alliance hatch a plan to infiltrate the GA, Hamner works against the Jedi by trying to keep their fleet on Coruscant and prevent them from helping Luke against the Sith fleet. Saba Serpentyne, another Master, is forced to kill Hamner and is installed as acting Grand Master in his place. The Jedi are freed and the Jedi ships reach Luke to help, but the alliances across the galaxy are left in shambles. Thankfully, with the deal broken between Hamner and the GA, and the galaxy’s vast disapproval of Daala, the former Imperial Head of State is removed from her office and the sanctions against the Jedi are lifted. Grand Master Luke can come home…but what is he preparing to bring with him?

Now the galaxy must act with Conviction. The Jedi Order and Galactic Alliance have had major shifts, but neither may be as scary or galaxy-shaking as what Abeloth wants to do…and has the power to make happen.

You can follow Chris on Twitter @ChrisWerms, and of course, you can follow the Manor on Twitter @MynockManor and Instagram @mynockmanor!

Fate of the Jedi: Outcast Omen | Abyss | Backlash | Allies

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