Tag: Emilio Laiso

Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #17

Doctor Aphra #17

– Spoiler Review –

Aphra and her crew of ne’er-do-wells hatch a foolproof plan, which includes kidnapping a familiar character from a certain animated show, to break into the highest security Tarkin Initiative base around, making the latest entry in the “Remastered” arc, Doctor Aphra #17, another top-notch blast in Marvel’s best. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #17”

Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #16

Doctor Aphra #16

– Spoiler Review –

It’ll be a day long remembered in the ethos of Star Wars as Doctor Aphra #16 does a big, wondrous thing fans of Aphra, and LGBTQ+ fans, have been rooting for a while now, all while wrapping it in a fun, action-packed, but heavy issue. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #16”

Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #15

Doctor Aphra #15

– Spoiler Review –

After what felt like a series refresh in issue #14, Doctor Aphra #15 continues unabated with the new lease on life, bringing more quality humor, snark, and murderbot mastery any organic would die for! Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #15”

Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #14

Doctor Aphra #14

– Spoiler Review –

The Doctor Aphra series is back with a new arc, new co-writer, and new art team in issue #14! It’s a riotous beginning to the “Remastered” arc that reintroduces us to a familiar Imperial, makes your skin crawl with its ending, and will leave you laughing with delight at Aphra’s honest attempts at matchmaking, all of which come together to make a new high-point for the excellent series. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra #14”

Canon Comic Review: Rogue One #2

Rogue One #2

Spoiler Review –

While there are minor variations from the film in Rogue One #2, this one skews a little closer to the source material but still manages to add some delightful extra moments, continuing the successful and enjoyable adaptation of the film. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Rogue One #2”

Canon Comic Review: Rogue One #1

Rogue One #1

Spoiler Review –

While adaptations (be it books or comics) and I have never really seen eye to eye, especially since they have to leave out parts or change scenes that clash with how I remember a film, I had my hopes up with some of early news that Rogue One‘s adaptation would expand on the film with extra scenes. After the close of Rogue One issue #1, written by Jody Houser with art from Emilio Laiso & Oscar Bazaldua and colors from Rachelle Rosenberg, I’m happy to say it not only accomplishes its goal to add to one’s understanding of the first A Star Wars Story film, but also manages to be a worthy take on the material. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Rogue One #1”

You Can Read the Rogue One Comic Adaptation in April…the Captain Said So

Rogue One Comic Adaptation Phil Noto Variant

Whether or not you liked The Force Awakens’ comic adaptation (we weren’t that big of fans of it here at the Manor), there’s a whole new creative team behind Rogue One: A Star Wars Story’s adaptation, with Jody Houser as writer and Emilio Laiso (Star Wars Annual #2) on artist duties. You can look for it in comic shops with issue #1 starting in April, but before then, you’ll find below that I’ve looked into Houser’s past works (and mention how she fits into my hopes for 2017’s comics) and what Laiso means for the story as an artist. Continue reading “You Can Read the Rogue One Comic Adaptation in April…the Captain Said So”