Tag: Federico Blee

Canon Comic Review: Darth Vader #30 (Vol. 3)

Darth Vader 30 2020 Review MynockManor

– Spoiler Review –

In Darth Vader #30 (Vol. 3), the handmaidens get desperate as the situation to save Sabé’s soul from the Dark Lord’s influence continues to spiral out of control…or does it? Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Darth Vader #30 (Vol. 3)”

Canon Comic Review: Darth Vader #29 (Vol. 3)

Darth Vader 29 2020 review MynockManor

– Spoiler Review –

In Darth Vader #29 (Vol. 3), the handmaidens come to rescue one of their own from Darth Vader’s influence, but nothing is as simple as it seems. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Darth Vader #29 (Vol. 3)”

Canon Comic Miniseries Review: Target Vader

Target Vader Miniseries Review

– Spoiler Review –

Target Vader sends a Legends resurrection, and few extra bounty hunters for good measure, to track down and kill Darth Vader, but for those not attached to the blast from the past, is there enjoyment to be had in Beilert Valance’s canon tale of revenge? Continue reading “Canon Comic Miniseries Review: Target Vader”

Canon Comic Review: Target Vader #1

Target Vader #1

Target Vader finds a group of bounty hunters, one from Legends past, out to take down, you guessed it, Darth Vader himself. With issue #1, this latest Vader-focused series might be playing a bit too much into the nostalgia factor with a Legends resurrection and can’t quite avoid making readers ask “why more Vader,” but it does have some intriguing mysteries I might want to see solved. In the interest of time, I’m only reviewing the first issue, but will return to review the whole miniseries once it’s completed later this year. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Target Vader #1”