Legendary Adventures: Legacy of the Force – Fury

Personal and galactic stakes are raised even higher as the Galactic Alliance, under the leadership of Darth Caedus, drives the Second Galactic Civil War to Corellia. As the Jedi search for Mara Jade Skywalker’s killer, will this bring them peace – or closer to the darkness? Join the Legendary Adventures as we read Fury!

With the death of former Chief of State Cal Omas, Darth Caedus has fully taken over the Galactic Alliance. With dreams of ending the Second Galactic Civil War through violence rather than diplomacy, Caedus brings the newly militarized Galactic Alliance Guard against the Corellians in full force. Despite receiving a message from Sadras Koyan, a Prime Minister on the side of the Confederacy, hoping for peace, Caedus continues his war, upping the violence (and death toll). The Alliance turns to weaponizing space, causing meteors to fall onto Commenor. The Confederacy responds by unleashing a biological weapon on Coruscant, only five years after it was terraformed by the Yuuzhan Vong. Centerpoint Station, no longer acting in secret after it was thought to have been deactivated after it was used in the war against the Vong, is also brought out against Caedus his fleet. Despite the fact the Jedi are no longer working directly with the Alliance, they do destroy Centerpoint Station.

Caedus also fully leans into the darkness, using it to cultivate means to his own ends. He kidnaps his daughter, Allana, hoping by using her as leverage, he can regain the Hapan Cluster to his cause. A Jedi strike team is authorized to rescue Allana, but they are unsuccessful in saving her. They do end up being able to track him, which leads to Leia Organa-Solo reaching out to him, hoping to use her influence as his mother to end the war. (She is also using this as a cover to help the Jedi cause as they search for Alema Rar.) Allana’s capture proves to be the shield Caedus sought, and no one seeks reprisal on him as long as he is holding on to her.

After the Jedi’s break with the Alliance, they have regrouped on the Sanctuary Moon of Endor, the site of the Rebellion’s victory against the Empire four decades prior. From there, they plan on ways to hunt down the Twi’lek rogue Jedi, Alema Rar, whom they believe killed Mara Jade Skywalker. Jagged Fel, Zekk, and Jaina, who have been in a sort of love triangle for years now, realize it falls more or less on them to find Alema, ending the conflict with the rogue Jedi that has been going on for years now. They end up confronting her at Lumiya’s former base, where Sith secrets are held, and Rar is killed by Jag. This brings comfort to Luke, as he does not learn she did not kill Mara. This hope prompts him to begin training Ben with a more hands on approach, and the two begin construction on a new lightsaber for Ben.

The One Sith also hunt down Alema Rar, believing she learned something of their existence. After thousands of years of hiding, this band of Sith is not keen on their secrets being revealed. While the Jedi hunt for Alema Rar, they destroy the late Lumiya’s base. Ship, the Sith meditation sphere, escapes from her base.

As Jaina, Zekk, and Jagged consider their future – and who would spend that future together – they realize the fate of the Jedi may be in their hands. Jaina realizes that she is the one who must confront her brother, and she seeks out new teachers who can teach her how to find a way to shatter his empire…

You can follow Chris on Twitter @ChrisWerms, and of course, you can follow the Manor on Twitter @MynockManor and Instagram @mynockmanor!

Legacy of the Force: Betrayal | Bloodlines | Tempest | Exile | Sacrifice | Inferno

Essential Legends Collection: Revan | Deceived | Darth Bane: Path of Destruction | Darth Bane: Rule of Tw0 | Darth Bane: Dynasty of Evil | Darth Plagueis | Shatterpoint | Kenobi | Rogue Squadron | Rogue Squadron: Wedge’s Gamble | Rogue Squadron: The Bacta War | Heir to the Empire | Dark Force Rising | The Last Command | Yoda: Dark Rendezvous | Dawn of the Jedi: Into the Void |  Republic Commando: Hard Contact

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