This is the first December without a Star Wars movie release since 2015, so when Star Wars Resistance takes an inevitable winter break, what better to snuggle down with than some new comics!? Not only will December be home to the finale of the Darth Vader series’ epic “Fortress Vader” arc and some exciting new misadventures for Doctor Aphra, it also contains the beginning of the Age of Star Wars maxi-series, which starts with the prequel era in the Age of Republic. Check out the latest details on that series and the rest of the month’s solicits below!
Before we dive into the new Age of Republic details, originally revealed at SDCC last month, feast your eyes on this gorgeous promo image for the maxi-series, by artist Giuseppe Camuncoli and Elia Bonetti! It reveals not only the stars of each era, but some of the “guest stars” who will join their issues. While we have the list for the Republic age below, this is our first hint at who will star in the Age of Rebellion and Age of Resistance, with the fairly obvious ones in the original trilogy, and some nice surprises in the sequel trilogy era, like Rose Tico and Snoke. I particularly love the inclusion of Rose in Age of Resistance, as it feels like a great start at showing the racists who hounded Tran Loan aka Kelly Marie Tran off social media that Rose is here to stay, and a big, important hero to boot! Rebellion is written by Greg Pak and Resistance by Tom Taylor, and it looks like we’ll be getting even more info about the maxi-series at NYCC in October.
Also, you’ll see them in a moment, but the Iain McCaig concept sketches as variant covers are about the coolest things in the universe…or at least variant cover ideas in the history of variant cover ideas; consider these must-buys for me!
“This is the Age of Star Wars! STAR WARS: AGE OF REPUBLIC, AGE OF REBELLION and AGE OF RESISTANCE chronologically tell a series of spectacular adventures featuring your favorite characters from ALL THREE STAR WARS TRILOGIES!
Starting with AGE OF REPUBLIC this December, writer Jody Houser teams with artists Cory Smith and Luke Ross to spotlight four of the greatest heroes and four of the coolest villains from the prequel films during the waning days of the Old Republic. Witness the never before seen moments that define the characters, the incredible battles that shaped them and the eternal conflict between the light and the dark, good and evil!
It all starts here in the pages of QUI-GON #1 and DARTH MAUL #1. With covers by Paolo Rivera, Luke Ross, Cory Smith and more!
Checklist: Age Of Republic
December 2018: Qui-Gon #1 | Darth Maul #1
January 2019: Obi-Wan #1 | Jango Fett #1 | Special #1
February 2019: Anakin Skywalker #1 | Count Dooku #1
March 2019: Padme Amidala #1 | General Grievous #1

Age Of Republic – Qui-Gon Jinn #1 (on sale 12/5)
Jody Houser (Writer), Cory Smith (Artist)
Cover by Paolo Rivera (pictured) | Variant Cover by Cory Smith | Concept Design Variant Cover by Iain Mccaig (also pictured) | Promo Variant Cover By Giuseppe Camuncoli & Elia Bonetti | Puzzle Piece Variant Cover By Tba (1 Of 27) | Movie Variant Cover Also Available
Considered one of the greatest Jedi Knights or the one who led them to their doom, maverick QUI-GON JINN is one of STAR WARS’ most controversial heroes. The JEDI MASTER is known to bend the rules and it’s gotten him into plenty of trouble with the COUNCIL. Now, in the face of a mission that goes awry, he’s forced to confront his conflicting beliefs. What will Qui-Gon uncover about his loyalty to the Jedi vs his loyalty to the FORCE? Guest-starring MASTER YODA!”
I’ve been clamoring for Qui-Gon content for years now (the From a Certain Point of View appearances sure were perfect), he always makes my hopes list in my comics year in review articles, so it’s great to find him front and center, even if it’s only for a single issue! I don’t know if I’ve ever heard anyone consider Qui-Gon to be a “controversial” hero, and I sure as hell never will! Sorry, I get a bit defensive about him. Anyways, this sounds like a really intriguing issue, as Qui-Gon’s maverick ways have always showed he leans more towards respecting the will of the Force than the Jedi Order’s views on it, so I can only imagine this will be one of those bigger moments for him, maybe even a decision that leads him to attempting to uncover the secrets of the cosmic Force? It seems these issues will “guest star” another recognizable character, and Yoda is a great character to pair Qui-Gon with, though I almost would’ve rather it had been Count Dooku, back when Qui-Gon was his apprentice. Also, if I had to guess, this probably takes place prior to Qui-Gon taking Obi-Wan as his apprentice. UPDATE: Review is in: It’s a decent start to the “Age of Star Wars” but treads very familiar ground.

Age Of Republic – Darth Maul #1 (on sale 12/12)
Jody Houser (Writer), Luke Ross (Artist)
Cover by Paolo Rivera (pictured) | Variant Cover by Luke Ross | Concept Design Variant Cover by Iain Mccaig (also pictured)| Puzzle Piece Variant Cover By Tba (2 Of 27) | Movie Variant Cover Also Available
A living weapon of rage and bloodthirst, DARTH MAUL has stayed in the shadows of CORUSCANT waiting for his chance to strike against the JEDI ORDER! However, since tasting his first blood, the SITH lord struggles to contain his desire for destruction and questions the wishes of his methodically plotting master. Could Maul have had another path in life, or was he always fated to follow a dark road? Guest-starring DARTH SIDIOUS!”
Right off the bat, a really cool detail about this Maul issue is that it takes place after and even references the events of his miniseries from last year, where he battled Jedi Padawan Eldra Kaitis, a really great character gone too soon. Maul has had a resurgence thanks to the two animated series, and his surprise appearance in Solo, but let’s just hope this issue adds more to his character than the recent miniseries. No guessing here, this one takes place between the miniseries and The Phantom Menace, though how this will glimpse into alternate paths has my hopes up for Maul’s latest appearance. UPDATE: Better than the Qui-Gon issue!
Darth Vader – Dark Lord of the Sith #25 (on sale 12/19)
Charles Soule (Writer), Giuseppe Camuncoli & More (Artist)
Cover by Elia Bonetti & Giuseppe Camuncoli (pictured) | Variant Cover By Gabriele Dell’otto | Galactic Icon Variant Cover By Rod Reis
• The FORTRESS is complete. The door will be opened.
• VADER finds everything he has ever desired.
• THE DARK LORD gets everything he deserves.”
That last line is very ominous! One could immediately think this means a victory and good tidings for Vader, but saying a Sith Lord gets what he deserves, especially one named Darth Vader, could have some very dark consequences. Or it is all unicorns and rainbows. That amazing cover seems to hint that will not be the case. If you aren’t reading this series, correct that pronto, as “Fortress Vader” has already begun living up to the hype so far! Thankfully this Vader series won’t end at issue #25 like the last one, as Soule and Co. have continued making amazing issues month after month and I can’t wait to see what comes after this! UPDATE: It is the final issue and we’ll have a review of it shortly!
Doctor Aphra #27 (on sale 12/12)
Si Spurrier (Writer), Emilio Laiso (Artist)
Cover by Ashley Witter (pictured) | Galactic Icon Variant Cover By Rod Reis
• Rogue archaeologist DOCTOR APHRA has ten hours to cross a hostile megacity before the bomb implanted in her throat blows up.
• No big deal, right? And even if there ARE, say, insane cops and bounty hunters on her tail—she’s got a partner to help her!
• (Unfortunately that would be TRIPLE ZERO: the astonishingly unpleasant murder droid who yearns to see her dead.)”
This “Worst Among Equals” arc looks to be haphazard fun for everyone’s favorite rogue archaeologist and her murderbot best friend. This solicit reveals there’s a ticking clock feature to the story, ratcheting up the stakes quite a bit, not like they needed to in the first place considering all the factors, per usual, stacked up against Aphra. Consider this perpetual Aphra fan excited! Also, if you weren’t willing to spend the $50 to grab the SDCC action figure 3-pack of Aphra and the murderbots, her individual Vintage Collection figures are being seen in the wild…good luck on the hunt for this special artifact!

Star Wars #58 (on sale 12/5)
Kieron Gillen (Writer), Angel Unzueta (Artist)
Cover By Jamal Campbell | Action Figure Variant Cover by John Tyler Christopher | Galactic Icon Variant Cover by Rod Reis (pictured)
• Is there romance in the air for Luke and Tula?
• Is there romance in the air for HAN AND LEIA?!
• Is there romance in the air between a bunch of stranded rebels and enormous ravenous monsters?
• No. This last one is no.”
Cue the “is Tula Rey’s mom?” articles! While I’m totally kidding, I fear it’ll still happen, so get those salt-shakers at the ready! What I’m more interested in is ensuring Tula DOES NOT DIE, like all of Luke Skywalker’s previous girlfriends/wife in Legends did, and even his one in Heir to the Jedi, a novel we really shouldn’t talk about anyways. Between the solicits for November and December, this arc really looks like it’ll ditch the darker tone of Gillen’s work so far and lighten things up a bit, which will be an appreciated change of pace…though all his work so far has been a nice change of pace from the end of Jason Aaron’s run. Also, very excited to have Angel Unzueta, the deft artist behind the stunning panels of Poe Dameron, on this series for an issue (or two, hopefully).
Han Solo – Imperial Cadet #2 (on sale 12/12)
Robbie Thompson (Writer), Leonard Kirk (Artist)
Cover by David Nakayama (pictured) | Variant Cover by Marcos Martin
• After spending a night in the brig, HAN SOLO is given one last shot at flight school…
• Will Han be top gun, or will he crash and burn?
• Crash and burn if one of his top competitors gets his way! This mysterious rival is ripped from the pages of CLASSIC STAR WARS COMICS!
As I said in the article for November’s solicitations, this miniseries’ announcement, I love the idea of exploring these open spaces between parts of the film that simply couldn’t fit. There was a planned scene set in Han’s Imperial Academy days, but it didn’t make the cut, though you can read the scene from the “expanded edition” novelization and they’ve even released the deleted scene (caution video autoplay) that’ll be on the home release. Imperial Cadet expands beyond even what those scenes were so there are plenty of new surprises, like the recanonization of some classic Star Wars comic character, as teased by this solicit! I never read the classic Marvel stuff but I love they are deep-diving through all types of Legends.
Solo: A Star Wars Story Adaptation #3 (on sale 12/19)
Robbie Thompson (Writer), Will Sliney (Artist)
Cover by Phil Noto (pictured) | Variant Cover By Marco Checchetto
• QI’RA is alive! But she’s working for the ruthless gangster DRYDEN VOS, who forces HAN, BECKETT and QI’RA into an impossible heist.
• But where will this trio find the fastest ship in the galaxy to make the dreaded KESSEL RUN?
If you’ve spent some time on the site before, you’ll know I’m very “meh” on the idea of adaptations, but there’s still that hint from Lucasfilm Publishing’s Creative Director, Michael Siglan, that this will connect to something in the future. I asked Siglan on Twitter if his original tease was in regards to Imperial Cadet, and his response was: “Always keep your eyes open!” There’s still something coming folks, be it a Enfys Nest miniseries, comic Solo sequel, or who knows, but keep your eyes open folks!
I’ll update IDW’s when it goes live on Wednesday! UPDATED, though they are virtually repeats of last month’s solicits, just the next issue number
Star Wars Adventures – Destroyer Down #2 of 3
“Swallowed by the shifting sands of Jakku, the Imperial Star Destroyer Spectral has been lost for two decades, giving rise to rumors of hauntings and buried treasure. But an epic sandstorm has revealed the ruins of the starship, and renowned scavenger Rey now leads the race to claim whatever lies within!
Three-issue mini-series set during the days before The Force Awakens!
Includes a backup story depicting the Battle of Jakku, revealing how the Star Destroyer Spectral met its fate during the last days of the Empire!”
Star Wars Adventures #17
“Welcome to the Resistance! Star Wars Resistance is an exciting new animated series coming to the Disney Channel this fall, and making its Star Wars Adventures debut in this very issue! In the time before The Force Awakens, this all-new adventure follows the fledgling Resistance as it begins to realize the growing threat of the First Order!
Ties into the new Star Wars Resistance animated show coming this fall to Disney Channel!
Written by Resistance show writers Chris “Doc” Wyatt and Kevin Burke!
Plus, an exciting new Flight of the Falcon story!”
Maybe they are keeping details of this one under wraps due to secrecy with the show’s plot/characters? Either way, if it doesn’t star Neeku or Hype Fazon…what’s the point?
Ryan is Mynock Manor’s Head Butler. You can follow him on Twitter @BrushYourTeeth. You can follow the website @MynockManor.
2018 SOLICITATIONS: July | August | September | October | November
2019 Solicitations Here!
Doctor Aphra
Aphra (#1-6) | And the Enormous Profit (#9-13) | Remastered (#14-19) | The Catastrophe Con (#20-25) | Annual: #2
Darth Vader – Dark Lord of the Sith
The Chosen One (#1-6) | The Dying Light (#7-12) | The Rule of Five (#11-12) | Burning Seas (#13-18) | Fortress Vader (#19-25) | Annual: #2
Poe Dameron
Black Squadron (#1-3) | Lockdown (#4-6) | The Gathering Storm (#7-13) | Legend Lost (#14 – 16) | War Stories (#17-19) | Legend Found(#20-25) | The Awakening (#26-31) | Annual: #2
Star Wars
Ashes of Jedha (#38-43) | Mutiny at Mon Cala (#44-49) | Hope Dies (#50-55) | Annual: #4
Lando – Double or Nothing (comic miniseries) | Beckett (one-shot) | Thrawn (adaptation)