Tag: Aaron Allston

Legendary Adventures: X-Wing – Mercy Kill

legendary adventures 126 x wing mercy kill

Underneath the dangers posed by the Lost Tribe of the Sith and the reign of the dreaded Abeloth was a secret conspiracy…and the Wraith Squadron pilots may be called on for last mission to put that conspiracy to rest – forever! Join the Legendary Adventures as we read X-Wing: Mercy Kill!

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Legendary Adventures: Fate of the Jedi – Ascension

legendary adventures 124 fate of the jedi ascensionThe Sith decide whether or not to ally with Abeloth and the Galactic Alliance decides on new leadership! But when every alliance is built on lies and subterfuge, who can you trust? And what happens when the greatest secret of all is revealed, and evil itself gains control of the government? Join today’s Legendary Adventures with Fate of the Jedi: Ascension!

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Legendary Adventures: Fate of the Jedi – Conviction

legendary adventures 123 fate of the jedi conviction

Abeloth has escaped – but have the Jedi finally found an avenue to do something about it? With the recent shift in leadership at the Galactic Alliance, the tide may have turned in the battle against the Lost Tribe of the Sith. Join us for this week’s Legendary Adventures with Fate of the Jedi: Conviction!

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Legendary Adventures: Fate of the Jedi – Backlash

legendary adventures 120 fate of the jedi backlash

The Sith fleet is freed upon the galaxy – and Luke Skywalker is there to meet them head on! As political turmoil erupts within the Imperial Remnant and Galactic Alliance, the whole galaxy is looking toward a massive shakeup. Join the Legendary Adventures as we read Fate of the Jedi: Backlash!

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Legendary Adventures: Fate of the Jedi – Outcast

legendary adventures 117 fate of the jedi outcast

The Galactic Alliance is rebuilding after the Second Galactic Civil War. But it will have to do so without Luke Skywalker, who is exiled from the Jedi. He is forced to seek answers behind the dark side…and confront the nature of the Force itself. Join the Legendary Adventures as we read Fate of the Jedi: Outcast!

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Legendary Adventures: Legacy of the Force – Fury

legendary adventures 111 legacy of the force fury

Personal and galactic stakes are raised even higher as the Galactic Alliance, under the leadership of Darth Caedus, drives the Second Galactic Civil War to Corellia. As the Jedi search for Mara Jade Skywalker’s killer, will this bring them peace – or closer to the darkness? Join the Legendary Adventures as we read Fury!

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Legendary Adventures: Legacy of the Force – Exile

legendary adventures 108 legacy of the force exile

The Sith’s dark machinations threaten to escalate the Second Galactic Civil War to an uncontrollable rate. With an endless galaxy of possibility ahead of them, will the Sith rule the galaxy, as they have before? Or can our exiled heroes band together to resist the rising darkness? Join in as I read Legacy of the Force: Exile!

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Legendary Adventures Milestone: Legacy of the Force – Betrayal

legendary adventures 105 legacy of the force betrayal

As the Galactic Alliance tries to centralize its power in the galaxy, newly rebellious worlds stand against them! Can the Jedi and the Alliance work together to stabilize the government, or will the growing darkness envelop the galaxy completely? Join the Legendary Adventures as we start to read the Legacy of the Force series, starting with Betrayal!

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Legendary Adventures: New Jedi Order – Enemy Lines Duology

Legendary Adventures 98 New Jedi Order Enemy Lines Duology

When the tide of the war against the Yuuzhan Vong seems to turn in favor of the New Republic, it may be time to get back to the basics, Rebel Alliance-style. Join the Legendary Adventures as we journey behind Enemy Lines.

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Legendary Adventures: X-Wing: Starfighters of Adumar

Legendary Adventures #82 X-Wing Starfighters of Adumar

As the New Republic reigns, the Jedi Order grows, and more and more systems are looking to throw their lot into the galactic stage. One such planet, Adumar, invites the warriors of the New Republic to a conference – and the NR sends Rogue Squadron. Find out what could possibly go wrong in this week’s Legendary Adventure: X-Wing: Starfighters of Adumar!

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