Tag: Harvey Tolibao

Canon Comic Review: The High Republic Adventures #11

High Republic Adventures #11 Review Mynock Manor

– Spoiler Review –

With the Nihil pushed back on Takodana and the Jedi of Starlight Beacon finally having a chance to relax, Master “Buckets of Blood” Torband Buck introduces them to…Great Jedi Rumble Race!! Daniel José Older’s The High Republic Adventures #11 has no rules, but it does rule, from the humor and fun of the race, Lula’s introspection, Nihil in-fighting, and the return of Harvey Tolibao. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: The High Republic Adventures #11”

Star Wars Comics December 2021 Solicitations

Star Wars Comics December 2021 Solicitations

Normally December is a month of mid-winter celebrations, but Star Wars comics looks to be anything but joyous and cheerful, as the underworld is in chaos due to Crimson Dawn’s startling return, Vader’s leading a crew to take them down, Aphra and Sana find themselves dealing with an ancient cult (if they’re elves, that would at least be festive), while The High Republic era content doesn’t seem any more uplifting with murder investigations and the deadly Lourna Dee holding a lightsaber. Grab yourself some spiked eggnog, you’re going to need it, before checking out December 2021’s Star Wars comic solicitations! Continue reading “Star Wars Comics December 2021 Solicitations”

Canon Comic Review: The High Republic Adventures #7

High Republic Adventures #7 Review Mynock Manor

– Spoiler Review –

Farzala, Qort, and the crew of the Vessel come together to right a grievous wrong that could spell doom for the Jedi/Hutt alliance in the fight against the Drengir in The High Republic Adventures #7, another great issue that keeps its focus on Farzala and gives him a chance to really come into his own. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: The High Republic Adventures #7”

Canon Comic Review: The High Republic Adventures #6

The High Republic Adventures #6 Review Mynock Manor

– Spoiler Review –

After the big conclusion to the opening arc, The High Republic Adventures #6 takes a step back from Lula Talisola and Zeen Mrala and brings Farzala and Qort to the forefront, alongside the wonderful and unique crew of the Vessel, for a funny, engaging, and memorable start to a quick two-part story. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: The High Republic Adventures #6”

Canon Comic Review: The High Republic Adventures #5

The High Republic Adventures #5 Review Mynock Manor

– Spoiler Review –

The High Republic Adventures #5 brings its opening arc to a close in an epic, emotional finale, as Zeen Mrala and Krix Kramerat make their choices and the series sets up a new, intriguing story thread. Also…we finally see Marchion Ro without his helmet on! Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: The High Republic Adventures #5”

Star Wars Comics August 2021 Solicitations

Star Wars Comics August 2021 Solicitations

With the on-going War of the Bounty Hunters crossover, every month looks packed for Star Wars comics, but August’s solicitations seem to have to unpack than the months before. There’s a big convergence of High Republic characters in a big, upcoming battle with the deadly Drengir, a battle royale with Jabba the Hutt, Darth Vader, and Boba Fett, Luke Skywalker has gone missing…again, and holy forking shirtballs Doctor Aphra and Sana Starros come face-to-face with Vader! Yup, there’s goes my anxiety levels for the next few months. Head below for all of August’s Star Wars comics solicitations! Continue reading “Star Wars Comics August 2021 Solicitations”

Canon Comic Review: The High Republic Adventures #4

The High Republic Adventures #4 Review Mynock Manor

– Spoiler Review –

In the penultimate issue of the opening arc of The High Republic Adventures, issue #4 pushes the Jedi and Nihil, and therefore divided friends Zeen and Krix, together for what looks to be a big, emotional finale to the arc. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: The High Republic Adventures #4”

Canon Comic Review: The High Republic Adventures #3

The High Republic Adventures #3 Review Mynock Manor

– Spoiler Review –

The divide between life-long friends Krix and Zeen grows deeper in the excellent, surprising, and character-focused The High Republic Adventures #3! Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: The High Republic Adventures #3”

Star Wars Comics June 2021 Solicitations

Star Wars Comics June 2021 Solicitations

Clearly we all underestimated the upcoming War of the Bounty Hunters crossover, as the June 2021 Star Wars comics solicitations reveal it not only has the prelude issues in May, but it’ll have both the miniseries and tie-in issues going forward, through October! And here I was originally assuming this would lead into a Shadows of the Empire-type event, but it seems this is that big event itself! So read on below to learn about Chewbacca battling Valance (expect limbs to be lost!), Vader and Ochi going up against IG-88 (is there enough ‘man’ left in Vader to defeat this machine?), and Doctor Aphra and Sana Starros come face to face with….DURGE?! Yes, that Durge! Also coming in June, Pride Variant covers, which is a nice touch though I wish they could’ve offered more, like a full issue of Pride-related Star Wars tales…but I’ll take this for now! Continue reading “Star Wars Comics June 2021 Solicitations”

Canon Comic Review: The High Republic Adventures #2

The High Republic Adventures #2 Review Mynock Manor

– Spoiler Review –

Surrounded, with the threat of the disaster which brought them to Trymant IV a distant memory, a young group of Padawans, a Force-sensitive young girl, Master Yoda, and…Buckets of Blood(?!!) must fight through the Nihil if they wish to survive in The High Republic Adventures #2! Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: The High Republic Adventures #2”