Tag: Marc Laming

Star Wars Comics May 2019 Solicitations

Star Wars Comics May 2019 Solicitations

May the Fourth be with you…and this huge batch of Star Wars comics hitting in May 2019! I can’t remember the last time we had a month this busy, with 2-3 issues hitting each Wednesday, and it looks to be a plethora of great content to boot: Age of Rebellion crams the majority of its run within the month, the Doctor Aphra series gets another new lease on life, new series like TIE Fighter really take flight, and Legends comics get a new issue?! Read ahead for the details!! Continue reading “Star Wars Comics May 2019 Solicitations”

Star Wars Comics April 2019 Solicitations

April is going to be a busy month with all the news coming out of Star Wars Celebration Chicago, a new novel in Master & Apprentice, and plenty to come in the comics, including 2 (technically 3) new series beginning! From comic tie-in of the upcoming Galaxy’s Edge theme park, a TIE squadron miniseries tie-in to an upcoming novel, the Age of Rebellion beginning, and Doctor Aphra‘s latest arc coming to an explosive close, don’t let these issues pass you by! Continue reading “Star Wars Comics April 2019 Solicitations”

Comic News: Sneak Peek at Upcoming Age of Rebellion Issues

The official site, ahead of next week’s April solicitations, offered up a sneak peek at the start of Age of Rebellion, the second era of the “Age of Star Wars” maxiseries, which begins in April once Age of Republic wraps up in March. Continue reading “Comic News: Sneak Peek at Upcoming Age of Rebellion Issues”

Canon Comic Review: Beckett #1

Beckett #1

– Spoiler Review –

Beckett #1 follows a job the titular character and his crew, Val and Rio Durant, embark on sometime before the events of Solo: A Star Wars Story. As far as one-shots go, this might be the best one yet, unseating the oddball favorite C-3P0 from 2016, even despite this not being about one of the characters I’d rather have been in focus. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Beckett #1”

Canon Comic Review: Star Wars Annual #4

Star Wars Annual 4

– Spoiler Review –

Sana Starros is up to her usual schemes, but it puts her in the path of Darth Vader and throws Luke Skywalker into the path of…podracing!? Like some of the good Annuals before it, Star Wars Annual #4 manages to provide a blast of a short story. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Star Wars Annual #4”

Star Wars Comics August 2018 Solicitations

Star Wars Comics August 2018 Solicitations

It’s that time once again and the solicitations for upcoming Star Wars comics have rolled on in! August 2018 from Marvel will see a new one-shot focusing on Solo: A Star Wars Story character Tobias Beckett aka Han Solo’s mentor, Poe Dameron‘s second Annual brings an exciting debut, Aphra has the toughest challenge yet with her ex meeting her current girlfriend, Vader’s Mustafar Fortress being built, and so much more. Check out the details below! Continue reading “Star Wars Comics August 2018 Solicitations”

Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra Annual #1

Doctor Aphra Annual #1 (David Nakayama cover)

– Spoiler Review –

The history behind Black Krrsantan’s origins is revealed in Doctor Aphra Annual #1, an overly fun, quick-paced, and concise standalone adventure that even nicely fits into the series’ larger story. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Doctor Aphra Annual #1”