After the past five years of heavily connected comics, with a bunch of big crossovers about Qi’ra’s return as the head of Crimson Dawn and even a spooky droid virus, Marvel has already shown their 10th Anniversary year would be a little more diversified, timeline-wise. There’s the Sequel Trilogy era Legacy of Vader or the pre-Prequel Era Jedi Knights, but this latest announcement shows they will continue their tradition of having a Star Wars series set in the successive era from the last: Alex Segura and Phil Noto will bring Marvel into the post-Return of the Jedi era with their Star Wars (2025 aka Vol. 3) in May! Head below for the full covers and some scant details from the first solicit. Continue reading “Comic News: Star Wars (2025) Goes Post-Return of the Jedi In May”
Tag: Phil Noto
Star Wars Comics November 2024 Solicitations
Here in the United States, November is when we’re gearing up for a big Thanksgiving dinner with friends, family, and/or both, feasting on a big meal we’re all stuck taking leftovers home of even if we didn’t want them. Whether you celebrate the holiday or not, Star Wars comics in November 2024 have a feast of their own for readers, from the exciting and epic-sized events of Marvel’s The Battle of Jakku maxiseries and a cornucopia of The High Republic Adventures comics from Dark Horse, so head below and figure out what issues you’ll be happy to take home from your local comic shop!
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Star Wars Comics October 2024 Solicitations
Marvel is taking its Star Wars comics beyond Return of the Jedi in October, with both an Ewoks miniseries and the beginning of The Battle of Jakku maxiseries, and I will say this works very well as my birthday gift! Thank you, Marvel! As the Battle of Jakku is releasing almost weekly, we have the opening chunk of its 12-issue story to enjoy, as well as the ending of the Inquisitors miniseries, and lots of The High Republic goodness thanks to Dark Horse, so head below to read all about it!
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Star Wars Comics September 2024 Solicitations
In the early 2000/2010’s, September always felt big in Star Wars, be it the release of video games, the films on DVD in new cuts, or the premiere of a new season of The Clone Wars, so it only seems fitting the latest era of comics comes to a giant-sized end during said month with issue #50 for Star Wars (Vol. 2) and Darth Vader (Vol. 3). There is an The Acolyte tie-in and another issue of the Inquisitor-focused miniseries from Marvel to enjoy as well, while Dark Horse continues to deliver more High Republic content than fans can hope, so see what’s all in store in September’s 2024 Star Wars comic solicitations!
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Star Wars Comics August 2024 Solicitations
Our look at the August 2024 Star Wars comics have arrived, with the solicitations feeling a little light, and getting even lighter, as one series comes to a close. The end for The High Republic – Phase III is coming, though it doesn’t look like it could be the happiest of endings given Nihil mad scientist Baron Boolan has Sskeer in his grasps! Elsewhere, the two main Marvel series, Star Wars (Vol. 2) and Darth Vader (Vol. 3) sound like they’re building towards some big endings for stories as the era looks to wrap up sooner than later, while Dark Horse has some intriguing options for The High Republic fans with plenty of Phase III stories (and is that a Sith?!?). So head below for the August 2024 Star Wars comic solicitations now to hear all about them!
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Star Wars Comics July 2024 Solicitations
The 2024 July Star Wars comic solicitations are here and, well, one wouldn’t be wrong for being even more interested in the advanced solicits for August that Dark Horse included! But July 2024 isn’t a slouch when it comes to what it’ll have to offer, as the deadly Inquisitorious take center stage in the launch of their new miniseries, Inquisitors, the final Darth Maul: Black, White & Red looks to give the series a memorable finale, Luke Skywalker will be hanging out with one of his mother’s doppelgangers (?!), Ty Yorrick while have to face her past, and so much more! As for the August reveals, The High Republic fans will want to take extra note of what’s to come! So head below and check out the July 2024 Star Wars comic solicitations!
Star Wars Comics June 2024 Solicitations
June is a rather big month in Star Wars, with the premiere of The Acolyte and the next wave of The High Republic kicking off with Temptation of the Force, though thankfully the comics hold up their end too! The trail of Lando reaches its conclusion, Baron Boolan’s devious machinations come to light, Maul has a crisis of faith, the Jango Fett miniseries ends, and much more! Also, as is tradition, the Pride Month variant covers will return as well, though they’ve yet to be revealed. Head below to learn what the comics are bringing to the table with the June 2024 Star Wars comics solicitations!
Star Wars Comics May 2024 Solicitations
May is a rather joyous around the Manor and in Star Wars fandom overall, as the always growing celebrations of May the Fourth provide much to enjoy! This year it falls on Free Comic Book Day and there are two special FCBD issues to enjoy then, while that same weekend The Phantom Menace returns to theaters to celebrate 25 years! The comics are joining in on the film’s anniversary with a special one-shot and a series of anniversary covers, plus other prequel-set stories including Maul-centric chaos, but fans of all eras will have plenty to look forward to with plenty of big The High Republic moments and the Rebellion trying to rescue Mon Mothma (?!), to name a few things. Check out what May 2024’s Star Wars Comics Solicitations to see what they all have in store!
Star Wars Comics April 2024 Solicitations
April’s 2024 Star Wars comics have some potentially memorable moments for readers, be it Mace Windu facing down a squadron of ships with only his lightsaber and the Force, Darth Maul returns to comics for a horror-filled opening issue, while the High Republic era features Ty Yorrick’s particular brand of mercenary fun and what seems to be a haunting look back in time. Forget about the April showers, we have some great April Star Wars comics in 2024 to get you ready for instead with these solicitations below!
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Star Wars Comics March 2024 Solicitations
Forgetting the ides of March, how about beware Star Wars’ comics goodness like Jango Fett’s twin blasters, a group of cyborg warriors, a bore worm, the return of a familiar scaly face, and, the worst of all, a courtroom?! 2024 just got a big preview in Revelations (2023) #1 and many of those threads are coming to life in March’s Star Wars comics solicitations, so make sure to check them out below! Update: A few advanced solicitations for April have arrived and big High Republic secrets have been revealed!
Continue reading “Star Wars Comics March 2024 Solicitations”
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