Considering the news of the Captain Phasma miniseries dropped in a different panel, Marvel’s panel was light on news but showed off some interior art for some upcoming issues and there were fun chats with creatives and editors alike. The most interesting thing to come out of the panel is that us in attendance might of sort of convinced the Marvel powers that be to make an Ahsoka series? Details below!
Panelists: Jordan D. White (Editor), Heather Antos (Supervising Editor), Charles Soule (Lando, Obi-Wan & Anakin, Poe Dameron), Phil Noto (Poe Dameron, Chewbacca), Matt Martin (Lucasfilm Story Group), and John Tyler Christopher (action figure cover variants).
As the panel drew to a close, Jordan D. White decided to conduct a survey with the crowd, where he would name two/three different things and we would then cheer for the one we liked the most and the next set of items would be based off of the winning answer of the previous. While he was saying things like, “prequel, original, or sequel trilogy,” I don’t remember if it was Heather Antos or someone in the crowd, but they shouted Ahsoka and everyone cheered the loudest. Jordan kept trying to conduct the survey, but we kept obviously trying to answer so it would lead us to Ahsoka and he gave up and took note of it. Hopefully, just maybe, this means they’ll see what they can do in regards to making an Ahsoka series. Phil Noto, who was at the panel, drew up a stunningly good piece of art of Ahsoka after we cheered so loud for her and I wouldn’t have any problems if he came on-board a potential series and did the art! Cross your digits, fellow Ahsoka fans!
Quick iPad sketch before I get on the plane. Folks REALLY seem to like her, apparently
— Phil Noto (@philnoto) April 17, 2017
Next month The Screaming Citadel crossover between Doctor Aphra and Star Wars hits store shelves, and while we didn’t spend too much time on it, they were simply avoiding going into too much detail so not to spoil it. They did show off all the covers for the crossover (though those have been released with the solicitations already) and interior art of TSC #1, pictures of which I’ve posted in my gallery below (or, if you want to see hi-res scans, Jedi-Bibliothek has got you covered!). All Celebration long I noticed a good number of Aphra cosplayers (I’ll have my pictures in my upcoming cosplay gallery post), which is such an amazing thing to see, from because I’m such a huge fan of the character and that a comic character is getting so much love, and you can bet a good number of them were at the Marvel panel. In fact, there were enough that Mr. White invited up two Aphra cosplayers to read The Screaming Citadel #1! The panel continued while they read, but everything stopped when they finished and while the two Aphra’s gave it their thumbs up, they were also mad it ends on such a tantalizing cliffhanger and boy, I can’t wait to see what that is!
Speaking of Aphra cosplay, those who did were gathered up after the panel for a big group photo:
So many Doctor Aphra’s, so little time! #StarWars #SWCO
— Heather Antos (@HeatherAntos) April 15, 2017
Jordan D. White got one, as well as Matt Martin, while Salvador Larroca, who originally drew the character, tuned in about how happy he was to see so many people cosplaying as his character. Other awesome cosplay shots include Bria from Tosche-Station with Darth Vader, while she also got one with Kylo Ren as a joke in reference to Kieron Gillen’s line from the latest Star Wars Insider where he said, “I can just see an older Aphra throwing her arm around Kylo Ren and saying ‘Oh, the things I could tell you about your Grandpops.'” However, my favorite has to be Colorina’s assortment of greatest hits!
Soule spoke a bit more about Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith, the upcoming series in June that takes place just after Revenge of the Sith, and teased several aspects of the series. First off, he named the new Jedi character gracing the cover of the series’ third issue, which at the time I could only guess how to spell it but he’s since written it out: Kirak Infil’a, and he’s going to be a Jedi unlike anything Vader has faced before; He also teased Vader will face many more, some of whom will be familiar! As for the first arc showing Vader get his Sith lightsaber, he said it ties into the Ahsoka book’s information on how Sith bend the crystals to their will and it’ll look much cooler than it sounds he said. As for the psychosis of Vader/Anakin at this point, Soule says Vader is going full-bore into death and destruction so he doesn’t stop and think about everything that’s transpired, out of fear he’ll break if he does, and Soule’s been surprised how dark they’ve let the content go. I’m getting more pumped for this series by the day!
The upcoming issues of Poe Dameron, #13 and #14, were talked about a bit, by Soule, Noto, and Antos. In my review Poe #11, I said it seemed like Noto was having fun drawing Terex’s Ranc’s Uglies (patched together starships) and he confirmed that at the panel, saying he could spend a month just creating all sorts of weird combinations. Antos revealed her droid translator cred, as she has a full spreadsheet of phrases she can use to translate for the letterer to use in the full issues, as BB-8 and other droids are given written dialogue but we never get to see it; Soule revealed BB-8 is essentially a motivational speaker by way of being a surfer dude, saying, “Right on, Poe!” a lot…I would give good money to have an issue released where we got to read that dialogue, but I guess some of the things Soule has the droid say aren’t exactly appropriate. Now I want that issue even more! They also showed off interiors for issue #13 that include MISTER BONES’ CAMEO(!!!), and while I have a picture of that, Jedi-Bibliothek has the hi-res of those pages again.
Marvel Panel Gallery:
Ryan is Mynock Manor’s Head Butler. You can follow him on Twitter @BrushYourTeeth. You can follow the website @MynockManor.
Star Wars Rebels Final Season Panel and Trailer Impressions (SWCO 2017)
Star Wars Rebels Season Four Premiere Review: “Heroes of Mandalore” Part 1
The Last Jedi Teaser and Panel Impressions (SWCO 2017)
Forces of Destiny Brings Women of Star Wars to Focus in 2D Animated Form (SWCO 2017)
Dave Filoni: Animated Origins and Unexpected Fates Panel Impressions (SWCO 2017)
Star Wars University: LGBTQ+ in a Galaxy Far, Far Away and Chuck Wendig Writer Seminar (SWCO 2017)
A Certain Point of View Celebrates 40 Years of Star Wars: A New Hope
Star Wars Celebration Orlando 2017 News Roundup Part II: Full Panel Schedules Go Live, Mark Hamill Hosts, Battlefront II, Rancho Obi-Wan, and More!
Star Wars Celebration Orlando 2017 News Roundup Part I: The Last Jedi, Rebels Season 4, 40th Anniversary Panels, and More! (UPDATED)
Doctor Aphra
Aphra (#1-6) | And the Enormous Profit (#9-14)
The Screaming Citadel (crossover of Doctor Aphra and Star Wars on-goings)
Star Wars
Skywalker Strikes (#1-6) | Old Ben’s Journals | Showdown on the Smuggler’s Moon (#8-12) | Rebel Jail (#16-19) | The Last Flight of the Harbinger (#21-25) | Yoda’s Secret War (#26-30) | Out Among the Stars (#33-37) | Annual: #1 | #2
Poe Dameron
Black Squadron (#1-3) | Lockdown (#4-6) | The Gathering Storm (#7-13) | Legend Lost (#14 – 16) | War Stories (#17-19)
Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith
The Chosen One (#1-6)
Darth Vader
Vader (#1-6) | Shadows and Secrets (#7-12) | The Shu-Torun War (#16-19) | End of Games (#20-25) | Annual: #1
Vader Down (crossover of Star Wars and Darth Vader on-goings)
The Last Padawan (#1-6) | First Blood (#7-12)
Darth Maul (mini-series)
Han Solo (mini-series)
Rogue One (adaptation)
Obi-Wan & Anakin (mini-series)
Shattered Empire (mini-series)
Princess Leia (mini-series)
Lando (mini-series)
Chewbacca (mini-series)
Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir (mini-series)
One-Shots: C-3PO | Cassian & K-2SO