Tag: Cecil Castellucci

Canon Comic Review: Hyperspace Stories #12

– Spoiler Review –

With issue #12, the Hyperspace Stories maxiseries from Dark Horse comes to an end, but not before it plays with expectations and answers the lingering, burning question about its connective story, all in a delightful and heartwarming fashion that might just have a holiday message for us all. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Hyperspace Stories #12”

Star Wars Comics December 2023 Solicitations

As always, December is fresh of end of the year fun, from holidays to ringing in the new year, but it’s also about bringing the family together, ruminating on what will the future hold next year, and ending another year. It’s fitting then Dark Droids comes to its conclusion in Star Wars comics for December 2023, while the next Revelations one-shot peers ahead at what’s to come for 2024 (and beyond)! Learn all about what’s in store, including for plenty of High Republic Phase III goodness, with the December Star Wars comics solicitations below!

Continue reading “Star Wars Comics December 2023 Solicitations”

Canon Comic Review: Hyperspace Stories #6

– Spoiler Review –

Hyperspace Stories’ switch to villains continues with issue #6, though this one has writer Cecil Castellucci asking fans to sympathize with…Greedo?! Thanks to the smart script and stellar art, it manages to pull it off in style. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Hyperspace Stories #6”

Canon Comic Review: Hyperspace Stories #3

– Spoiler Review –

Jumping eras once again, Dark Horse’s Hyperspace Stories #3 takes us to the sequel trilogy, where Poe and Finn find far more than they bargained for on a mission for supplies for the Resistance. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Hyperspace Stories #3”

Star Wars Comics February 2023 Solicitations

Since I never celebrated Valentine’s Day outside of like grade school when we all had to, February hasn’t usually had anything big for me to concern myself with, but since it’s my wife’s birthday month, there’s always plenty to do now and love…just like all these Star Wars comics in February 2023’s solicitations! February signals the start of Sana Starros’ long overdue and much anticipated solo series, Qi’ra’s next big move plays out in Hidden Empire, the Battle of Jedha comes to High Republic comics, we’ll get to see Yoda and Dooku working together, Doctor Aphra makes her latest attempt to free herself of the Spark Eternal, and so much more! It’s a really packed month so I better get gifts for the wife early before I get caught up in all of these! Continue reading “Star Wars Comics February 2023 Solicitations”

Canon Comic Review: Hyperspace Stories #2

– Spoiler Review –

Luke and Leia go on a mission for the Rebellion and find themselves in trouble, naturally, in another fun issue of Dark Horse’s Hyperspace Stories! Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Hyperspace Stories #2”

Star Wars Comics November 2022 Solicitations

Especially here in Wisconsin, November is when fall comes on strong and we begin to hunker down inside, watching football or spending more time with family and friends (even more so if someone else is cooking!), so having a lot of Star Wars comics would be perfect to help pass the time between the next gathering. Luckily, as we can see in November 2022’s solicitations for Star Wars comics, there’s a lot to enjoy, from more The High Republic Phase II stories, new comics like Hidden Empire or Revelations, a metric ton of worry about Doctor Aphra, Yoda-centric adventures, and more! Check out the Star Wars comics November 2022 solicitations below! Continue reading “Star Wars Comics November 2022 Solicitations”

SDCC 2022 Publishing Panel: New Details on High Republic Phase 2, Dark Horse’s Return, And More

While Lucasfilm’s SDCC 2022 panel was light on announcements, it had a lot to say about upcoming releases and The High Republic Phase 2! On the non-THR side, authors shared tidbits on upcoming stories like The Princess and the Scoundrel, Hyperspace Stories by Dark Horse, and non-fiction content like 100 Objects. Phase 2 High Republic reveals include some new covers, new Jedi, and more hype for its October start. Head below for more! Continue reading “SDCC 2022 Publishing Panel: New Details on High Republic Phase 2, Dark Horse’s Return, And More”

Star Wars Comics September 2022 Solicitations

Sorry to break it to some of you, whether it’s for working or for learning, school is back come September for most people, so hopefully, maybe this list of Star Wars comics you can enjoy between lessons and homework will make the prospect less daunting. We get the first details on the Star Wars: Visions comic coming from Marvel, see the end to another Obi-Wan-centric story, the fight to save Aphra continues, Sabe remains in Vader’s life for now, and so much more, so head below for Star Wars comics’ September 2022 solicitations now! Continue reading “Star Wars Comics September 2022 Solicitations”

Dark Horse Enters the Race with Hyperspace Stories, Tales from the Rancor Pit

It’s been 6 months since the announcement Dark Horse would return to publish Star Wars comics and now we have the first details on their non-The High Republic content! Dark Horse is focusing on all-ages comics, like IDW did from 2017-2021, with two series: 1) Star Wars: Hyperspace Stories, essentially their take on IDW’s Star Wars Adventures line, as it’s an anthology series set in all different eras on the timeline. 2) Tales from the Rancor Pit, a new take on the horror anthology goodness IDW cooked up with their Vader’s Castle series. These two join the already announced The High Republic – Quest of the Jedi, though while that’s not out until October or later, these should be out in the summer! Head below for more details and a look at the first covers. Continue reading “Dark Horse Enters the Race with Hyperspace Stories, Tales from the Rancor Pit”