November is usually a time for large gatherings of family and friends from all over the country for Thanksgiving traditions here in the States, but it’s still an unknown if that’ll even be possible this year. Despite the pandemic, one of the most important elections in this country’s history will take place, so make sure you’re registered and make your voice heard. And then of course, do your best to enjoy these upcoming issues of Star Wars comics, which include a few new artists on series, the promise of the most epic dog fight in comic history, the return of Sana Starros to wreak havoc on Aphra’s life, and more! Head below to check them out. UPDATE 8/23: IDW’s solicits came in and there’s Life Day shenanigans and…Baby Yoda!! UPDATE 10/11: More IDW shenangians with their schedule but it looks like things are normalizing/finally being set in stone! Continue reading “Star Wars Comics November 2020 Solicitations”
Tag: Nick Brokenshire
Star Wars Comics October 2020 Solicitations
October feels so far away, but I’m very anxious for it to come as not only does The Mandalorian’s second season arrive, Star Wars Squadrons will be out, and it’s my birthday month, but I’m getting married (finger’s crossed we don’t have to postpone we did, unfortunately)! There’s still even a honeymoon to be had, so I might miss out on some of the Star Wars goodies in October, of which the comics have quite a few great issues ahead, so check them out below! Continue reading “Star Wars Comics October 2020 Solicitations”
Star Wars Comics September 2020 Solicitations
Despite understandable civil unrest and a still out of control pandemic, all types of businesses and entertainment are trying to return to some sense of normalcy. September for Star Wars comics definitely looks to be heading in that direction too, catching up with most of the issues set to release prior to the COVID-19 pandemic and Diamond Comics halting shipping. All 4 of the current on-going series push forward with some of their bigger issues, as Luke looks to gain a…yellow lightsaber?; IDW’s relaunches their Star Wars Adventures line to tales set between The Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker; Vader visits Padmé’s tomb!!?; and Aphra tries to escape an evil ancient city…so a normal Wednesday for her. Head below to check out all the releases! Continue reading “Star Wars Comics September 2020 Solicitations”
Star Wars Comics May 2020 Solicitations (UPDATED)
May sees the 40th Anniversary of The Empire Strikes Back and it’s only fitting all the comics right now are focused on honoring the film’s legacy by directly dealing with the fallout of the film’s events: Luke Skywalker finds himself in the possession of a yellow lightsaber, Aphra’s new tomb raiding adventures sound even crazier and more exciting than before, and Vader also does some tomb raiding of his own…venturing into Padmé’s!?! Peer into May’s Star Wars comics solicitations! UPDATE: IDW has since dropped their solicits and it seems Star Wars Adventures will relaunch in May! The solicitation text seems to suggest the relaunch will be full of tales set AFTER The Rise of Skywalker, but the fine folks at Jedi Bibliothek have tempered expectations by mentioning the solicit is outdated. UPDATE 2: The updated solicit has arrived and IDW relaunches with a story between The Last Jedi and TROS, not after the Skywalker Saga finale…check it out below! UPDATE 3: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, comics stopped shipping in April and publishers aren’t releasing digital copies until physical copies can make it to store shelves. Because of the current halt in shipping, Marvel has already stated their pausing work on/releasing a third of their May and June comics, without any clear plan yet on how to release the currently effected issues and those they are pausing. We’ll update as soon as we know more! UPDATE 4 (5/2/20): The only Star Wars comics out in May will be Doctor Aphra #1 (Vol. 1) and The Clone Wars – Battle Tales from IDW, per the new reduced schedule as Diamond begins shipping comics again. You can still look at would’ve been below, but we’ll have any and all new solicitations on the Manor once they’re released! Continue reading “Star Wars Comics May 2020 Solicitations (UPDATED)”
Canon Comic Miniseries Review: Return to Vader’s Castle
After the frights of last year’s Tales from Vader’s Castle brought the Halloween spirit to Star Wars comics in a gleefully ghoulish way, IDW brought the series, and writer Cavan Scott, back for another round of spooky tales: Return to Vader’s Castle! In some ways stronger and more defined than last year’s outing, Return to Vader’s Castle is an excellent continuation and usage of the fun-loving scares all-ages truly can enjoy. Continue reading “Canon Comic Miniseries Review: Return to Vader’s Castle”
Canon Comic Review: Return to Vader’s Castle #3 – “Bop Sh-Bop, Little Sarlacc Horror”
– Spoiler Review –
In Return to Vader’s Castle #3, “Bop Sh-bop, Little Sarlacc of Horror,” Asajj Ventress finds the creepy source of a spat of disappearances in Level 1313, while the framing story in the Castle raises its stakes and scares accordingly. Continue reading “Canon Comic Review: Return to Vader’s Castle #3 – “Bop Sh-Bop, Little Sarlacc Horror””
Star Wars Comics October 2019 Solicitations
You can always trust Halloween to be full of sweets, and Star Wars comics won’t be disappointing in October as we’re getting plenty of delectable sweets that way too. IDW and Marvel both bring Journey to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker content to the table (with Marvel’s beginning and ending in the same month!), IDW brings back the spooky with Return to Vader’s Castle, but is the scariest thing of all what might be happening with the Doctor Aphra series? Check it out below! Continue reading “Star Wars Comics October 2019 Solicitations”
SDCC 2019: The Rise of Kylo Ren Announced, New Return to Vader’s Castle Details, and More!
SDCC is the bastion of news and reveals for all things geekery and there’s always some fun Star Wars comic and book related info for us fans. At SDCC 2019, Charles Soule was revealed to be writing The Rise of Kylo Ren comic miniseries (!!), we got more details on IDW’s Return to Vader’s Castle miniseries and Journey to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker plans, Dooku: Jedi Lost hardcover edition was announced, and more, so check out the latest reveals below! Continue reading “SDCC 2019: The Rise of Kylo Ren Announced, New Return to Vader’s Castle Details, and More!”
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